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Caloric content of mushrooms

Mushroom dishes are popular during the whole year. In our country love both fried mushrooms, and tinned, and mushroom soup. If you adhere to any deprivation diet for weight loss, then before you there can be a question of the caloric content of mushrooms. Really, how many calories in mushrooms? Whether it is possible them is and not to recover?Калорийность шампиньонов и белых грибов

Caloric content of champignons

Champignons – the most available species of mushrooms. Behind these gifts of the nature we go not to the wood more often, and to grocery store. Caloric content of champignons makes 27 kilocalories in 100 grams. On nutrition value and on chemical composition this look does not concede to cepes. There are almost no carbohydrates in champignons, vegetable oils less than 1%, but proteins – 4,3%. Calories in champignons have property to be acquired slowly. This product quickly and for a long time gives sense of fulness. Thus, this species of mushrooms can be included in the menu at excess body weight.

Caloric content of mushrooms of the Russian wood

To gather mushrooms many go with great pleasure. Fruits of this of "silent hunting" can be eaten with great pleasure in a warm family circle.

Not all forest mushrooms have identical energy value. Caloric content of cepes makes 34 kilocalories on 100 grams of the crude cleared product. The milk mushroom is almost twice poorer – only 18 kilocalories on 100 grams. Caloric content of chanterelle mushrooms is equal to 19 kilocalories. As much both butter mushrooms and russulas contain. In honey agarics there are slightly more kilocalories – 22 on 100 grams. Aspen mushrooms, birch mushrooms, morels have energy value about 20 kilocalories.

Mushrooms in the raw – a product almost dietary. Caloric content of mushrooms low and generally forms at the expense of useful phytalbumins. Amino acids of these substances promote maintenance of health of the person. However almost nobody risks to eat mushrooms without culinary processing. It, of course, is absolutely correct. Forest mushrooms need to weld, roast, dry up or to be preserved before consumption. Caloric content of mushrooms after preparation increases.

How many calories in mushrooms after culinary processing?

The most traditional way of preparation of mushrooms for the winter is their drying. In this case under the influence of high temperatures from a product the majority of liquid is removed. Without water the mass of mushrooms decreases several times. For example, from kilogram of a product 150 grams in a dried look in the raw turn out.

Caloric content of mushrooms, on the contrary, sharply increases in a dried look. For example, the caloric content of cepes in a dried look makes 286 kilocalories. It in 8,5 times more, than before processing. The dried birch mushroom contains 300 kilocalories in 100 grams. Almost as much will be also in an aspen mushroom after dehumidification. Though such mushrooms also have high energy value, absolutely you should not refuse them completely. Just you remember how many calories in mushrooms dried, and limit them to 50-100 grams per day. Dried mushrooms have strong aroma, improve flavoring properties of the first and second courses. At the moderate use they bring only benefit.

Salty mushrooms are very popular. At their preparation for a product add salt and spices. Caloric content of mushrooms after salting increases slightly. On average 100 grams of salty mushrooms contain 24 kilocalories. It is possible to preserve mushrooms and by means of marinade. As a part of such dish there will already be both a sugar, and vinegar, and citric acid. Caloric content of marinated mushrooms depends on the recipe and makes about 30-35 kilocalories. It is not recommended to abuse tinned mushrooms that who has the increased arterial pressure, tendency to hypostases and problems with kidneys. For the others a pickles can become a good dish in the festive and daily menu.Калорийность жареных грибов, технология их приготовления

Caloric content of fried mushrooms rather high. It is connected with process of culinary processing. The browning is followed by addition of a large amount of fats. Respectively, the caloric content of mushrooms after preparation increases by 5-6 times. Approximately the caloric content of fried mushrooms equals to 165 kilocalories on 100 grams. Calories in champignons and cepes after a browning will be even slightly more – 180.

Mushrooms can bring a lot of benefit at the correct consumption. Caloric content of mushrooms is not so high that completely to refuse them. Even if you keep to a diet, make the diet richer and more tasty by means of mushroom dishes.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.