Main > Diseases> Cyst of strobiloid gland

Cyst of strobiloid gland

Киста шишковидной железы является доброкачественным образованиемCyst of strobiloid gland – the hollow education filled with liquid, forming in one of shares of strobiloid gland.

Epiphysis or strobiloid gland – structure of a brain, the small, unpaired body performing endocrine function. Strobiloid gland represents the small formation of gray-red color located between cerebral hemispheres in the place of an interthalamic union. Outside of iron it is covered with a joint capsule. Functions of strobiloid gland are still not studied thoroughly owing to its small sizes, features of an arrangement and communication with other structures of a brain. However it is established that gland is directly involved in regulation of circadian rhythms (a dream – wakefulness). It is known also that the epiphysis produces melatonin. Carry to functions of strobiloid gland:

  • Delay of a producing growth hormone;
  • Puberty process regulation, change of a sexual behavior;
  • Growth inhibition of new growths.

The cyst of strobiloid gland is the high-quality education which is not developing into a malignant tumor. A cyst strobiloid железыв a brain – the phenomenon rather rare. Cystous education is diagnosed only for 1,5% of patients with brain diseases. Cystous formations of strobiloid gland are seldom characterized by dynamic growth. Cystous education does not affect functioning of strobiloid gland, extremely seldom makes impact on adjacent structures of a brain, breaking their function.

Cyst of strobiloid gland of a brain: development reasons

Strobiloid a zhelezygolovny brain are the main reasons for development of cysts:

  • Obstruction of the removing channel owing to what outflow of the melatonin produced by gland is broken. At obstruction of the removing channel there is an accumulation of a secret;
  • Echinococcosis – the helminthosis provoking formation of parasitic cysts in various bodies. In other words, defeat of strobiloid gland the echinococcus getting to gland with a blood flow. The parasite forms the echinococcal capsule, protecting himself from the immune attacks of an organism. The pinus cyst formed by an echinococcus cover is filled with waste products of a parasite, can increase a little in sizes.

Owing to the fact that this structure of a brain is poorly studied other causes of formation of cysts of strobiloid gland of a brain still remain not established. Also this results from the fact that education and development of a cyst of strobiloid gland proceeds almost asymptomatically.

Cyst of strobiloid gland: disease symptoms

At development of a cyst of strobiloid gland symptoms, as a rule, are not shown. Causeless headaches which are difficult for associating with other factors, such as a stress, overfatigue, pressure become the main complaint of patients. Cystous education is diagnosed in a random way at inspection of a brain by means of MRT. At most of patients with the diagnosed cyst of strobiloid gland symptoms were absent or had the general character for a number of diseases of a brain:

  • The headache which is not caused by other factors, arising irregularly and unjustly;
  • Disturbance of visual function (in most cases patients note doubling in eyes, degradation of the picture);
  • Lack of coordination of movements, gait;
  • The nausea, vomiting provoked by attacks of a severe headache;
  • The hydrocephaly developing owing to compression by a cyst of strobiloid gland of a channel of a brain and disturbance of current of cerebrospinal fluid.

Expressiveness of symptomatology at cystous formations of strobiloid gland completely depends on the amount of education and rendering pressure upon other sites of a brain. At achievement by formation of the critical sizes the cyst can block completely current of cerebrospinal fluid that can have extremely negative effects for all organism.

The symptoms caused by a cyst Головная боль — один из симптомов кисты шишковидной железыof strobiloid gland of a parasitic etiology will have a bit different character. The overall clinical picture at an echinococcal cyst will be added a number of mental disorders: depression, weak-mindedness, crazy states. Epileptic seizures are in rare instances observed. At the progressing cyst of a pinus increase of focal symptomatology, increase in arterial pressure will be observed.

Cyst of strobiloid gland: risks and forecasts

The main risk at formation of a cyst of a pinus at the person is the high probability of development of hydrocephaly – brain dropsy owing to accumulation of cerebrospinal liquid in ventricular departments of a brain. However pinus cysts are, as a rule, not dynamic. That is the formed cyst does not affect functioning of departments of a brain in any way. Continuous monitoring of cystous education will allow to prevent its further development.

The greatest risk at diagnosis of cystous formations of strobiloid gland is statement of the false diagnosis and purpose of inefficient treatment or carrying out unnecessary surgical intervention.

Cyst of strobiloid gland: treatment

At detection of a cyst of strobiloid gland treatment, as a rule, is not required. In most cases even MRT scanning can not give clear idea of the cyst nature. For confirmation of the diagnosis resort to a biopsy and a laboratory research of a bioptat on existence of cancer cells, and also for clarification of an etiology of a cyst. Cystous education strobiloid zhelezydolzhno to be differentiated with brain tumors.

The cyst of a shishkovidnogotel of a brain will not respond to conservative drug treatment. Cystous formations of strobiloid gland of an echinococcal etiology will respond to drug treatment at early stages. At the big sizes of a cyst of strobiloid gland treatment is supposed only surgical. Indications to performing surgery are:

  • Expressiveness of symptomatology;
  • The increased risk of development of hydrocephaly;
  • Influence of a cyst on functioning of cardiovascular system, rendering impact on adjacent structures of a brain.

Now factors which can provoke growth of a cyst of strobiloid gland are unknown. Carrying out surgical intervention bears certain risks for the patient. Today doctors agree in a consensus about need of constant control of a condition of strobiloid gland and the cystous education provoked by obstruction of the removing channel. For observation of dynamics of a cyst it is necessary to carry out MRT-monitoring of 1 times in 6 months. When diagnosing the cyst caused by an echinococcosis the decision on removal of a bubble in most cases is made. In cases of pronounced symptomatology and lack of other indications to carrying out surgical intervention to patients drug treatment for stopping of symptoms is appointed.

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