The ring-shaped erythema is a skin disease of polyetiological erimatozny character with recurrent course. Also ring-shaped erythema is called a resistant erythema, it is long the proceeding figured and ring-shaped erythema, an erythema to ring-shaped centrifugal Darya. Most often young men are subject to this kind of an erythema.
Emergence of a ring-shaped erythema is promoted:
At a ring-shaped erythema on a body there are monetovidny not shelled edematous spots having pinkish-red color. Spots are inclined to the eccentric growth and merge as a result of which fancy polycyclic figures, rings, garlands bordered with valikoobrazny plotnovaty edematous edge in the form of a cord are formed. In spots similar spots sometimes appear (rings in rings). Spots in the center a little sunk down, slightly cyanochroic. From subjective frustration note only weak burning and an itch. At some patients the ring-shaped erythema can have atypical character at which there are teleangiectasias, purpurozny and vesicular rashes.
The disease proceeds pristupoobrazno: one rashes completely disappear, but to replace them in two or three weeks there are new. There are cases when for several months or years the ring-shaped erythema independently passes.
To exclude syphilis which rashes are very similar to rashes at a ring-shaped erythema do special venereologic laboratory researches. For identification and treatment of possible diseases of internals versatile clinical laboratory examination, and also mycologic, oncological and hematologic researches is conducted.
As the ring-shaped erythema is not very widespread, at emergence of pathological rashes it is necessary to define the diagnosis correctly. For this purpose it is compared with other diseases of skin which are similar to it on symptoms: a lupus erythematosus, a leprosy, other eritema (a ring-shaped granuloma and pink it is deprived), fungus skin diseases and toksikodermiya. The diagnosis is established, generally by means of a biopsy of skin and laboratory researches.
At treatment of a ring-shaped erythema it is very important to eliminate the factors causing a disease (tonsillitis, antritises). Recommend the hypoallergic diet, vitamins of groups E, B and A immunostimulating therapy, appoint the hyposensibilizing means (calcium drugs, antihistaminic drugs, sodium thiosulphate). To cure the accompanying infectious diseases apply an antibioticotherapia.
The ring-shaped erythema at children has more expressed clinic, than at adults.
At children and the adenoid disease accompanying it apply homeopathic drugs to treatment of a ring-shaped erythema. Appoint Barium муриатикум 6 on three granules every day in the morning between meals, and also Sepia 6 on one granule in the evening. Accept medicines before treatment of symptoms of a ring-shaped erythema.
Forecast of a ring-shaped erythema favorable. Prevention of this disease consists in clarification of the centers from persistent infection and normalization of functions of digestive tract.
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