Main > Drugs> Jug


Кубышка желтая – растение семейства кувшинковыеJug, it is called still a water-lily yellow, is a perennial herbaceous plant of family a water-lily family. At a plant a horizontal rhizome and numerous shnurovidny roots. The jug meets in lakes, ponds, gulfs and river canals, in shallow water, in places a slow water current. The underwater stalk of a jug yellow reaches length of 2 - 3 meters, and leathery roundish leaves of a jug lie on a water smooth surface. Flowers of a yellow jug are located on thick long peduncules near leaves. Flowers have pleasant aroma and bright dark yellow color.

Structure and useful properties of a jug yellow

Numerous useful properties of a jug yellow are caused by its rich chemical composition. So, the rhizome of a jug contains the following substances:

  • Pitches;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Sahara;
  • Starch;
  • Bitterness;
  • Tannins;
  • Sitosterol;
  • Stigmasterol.

The list of alkaloids as a part of roots of this plant is rather wide:

  • Tiobinufaridin;
  • Nufaridin;
  • Nufloin;
  • Dezoksinufaridin.

The structure of leaves of a jug is also presented by the rich list of useful elements:

  • Ellagotanina;
  • Lyuteolin;
  • Caffeic acid;
  • Ferulic acid;
  • Sinapovy acid;
  • R-coumaric acid.

Yellow contains in seeds and flowers of a jug нимфалин. Besides, at seeds there are tannins containing gallic acid and ellagic acid.

Medicinal properties, thanks to such structure, are actively used in traditional and traditional medicine. So, drugs on the basis of ingredients of a jug yellow have such effect:

  • Soothing;
  • Bactericidal;
  • Knitting;
  • Cholagogue;
  • Light sleeping pill;
  • Diuretic;
  • Soothing (sedative).

Use of a jug

Цветы кубышки желтойFlowers, leaves, rhizome and seeds of a plant have medicinal properties. For preparation of raw materials it is necessary to make many efforts. Except that in water it is difficult to take strong grown into rhizome reservoir soil, so even after drying of the cleared rhizomes from 10 kg of fresh plants only 1 kg of a dry product turns out.

Rhizomes of a jug yellow contain alkaloids which possess spermatocidal and anti-mecotic action. The pharmaceutical drug "Lutenurinum" which is used at acute and chronic mecotic diseases is made of alkaloids of a jug yellow. Besides, using chemical composition of a jug yellow, make contraceptives.

Drugs from extracts of a jug yellow, at topical administration, use for treatment of diseases of mucous membranes and the skin caused by gram-positive microorganisms and pathogenic fungi. The jug yellow is also applied as a part of the collecting herbs used at treatment of some malignant tumors.

Rhizomes of a jug yellow contain alkaloids of group of a nufarin which destroy strains of a trichomonad, Candida and other harmful agents. It allows to apply this plant to the people suffering from the immunodeficiency which underwent operations on organ transplantation and after carrying out chemotherapy.

Drugs on the basis of a jug yellow are used also at the following serious diseases:

  • Uterine bleedings;
  • Falling of the womb;
  • Gastritis;
  • Oppression of a nervous system.

Rhizomes and flowers of a jug use as corrective means of sexual activity. Especially effectively the jug influences male health when painful nocturnal emissions, impotence or the weakened sexual desire are observed. The broth prepared from a jug rhizome is recommended to use at impotence at the stronger sex and frigidity at the woman.

In traditional medicine use flowers, a rhizome with roots and leaves. As folk remedy, flowers and rhizomes of a jug yellow use at fever, inflammatory processes of digestive tract, at skin diseases. Broth from jug roots in small doses is also applied at the following inflammatory diseases:

  • Inflammation of kidneys and urinary tract;
  • Stomach spasms;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Tuberculosis.

Very well such means helps with fight against cough at a SARS, bronchitis and pneumonia. The jug is shown at gout. Besides, drugs on the basis of this medicinal plant help to get rid of night enuresis (an urine incontience) at children.

This plant possesses easy soothing and somnolent action. Water infusion of fresh flowers of a jug yellow has sedative effect and therefore this means is accepted at an alarming superficial dream. It is necessary to remember that in high doses such means is capable to cause oppression of the central nervous system.

Tincture from flowers of a jug is used at an urolithiasis. Flowers decoction is applied as an anesthetic at joint pains and bruises, and also fresh leaves of a jug put to the inflamed places. Infusion from a rhizome of a jug yellow is recommended as fortifying means.

Also, broth of a rhizome of a jug yellow, prepared on beer or beer yeast, is capable to treat seborrhea and to strengthen growth of hair.

Contraindications and harm from use of a jug yellow

The jug is yellow, despite the rich list of the medicinal properties, after all is a noxious plant. Therefore, it is necessary to use it for treatment strictly on doctor's orders, to observe the appointed doses and terms of treatment.

At disturbance of technology of preparation of medicine and terms of its reception, such symptoms testimonial of poisoning can be observed:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Long dream (impossibility to wake up).

It is impossible to exceed the dose specified by the doctor as the wrong approach to a dosage can cause a serious poisoning and, perhaps, a lethal outcome. Besides, drugs on the basis of a jug yellow are strictly forbidden to be accepted to pregnant women and children.

Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.