Main > Drugs> Laferobion


Лаферобион свечи

Laferobion – the immunomodulatory drug with high antiviral activity used at treatment of various diseases.

Pharmacological action

Active ingredient of Laferobion has antiviral, antineoplastic and immunomodulatory effect, at the same time is recombinant human interferon does not make toxic impact.

Laferobion reaches the maximum concentration at hypodermic or intramuscular introduction in 4-10 hours.

Laferobion increases immunomodulatory activity, suppresses proliferation and growth of viruses in the infected cells. According to reviews Laferobion is effective and safe at treatment of children of chest age for various infectious diseases.

Release form

Laferobion release in a look:

  • Suppository rectal (candles Laferobion), the containing 1000000-500000 ME active ingredients. Excipients – ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate, solid fat. On 3 and 5 candles in packaging;
  • Powder for preparation of nasal solution in the ampoules containing 100000 - 18000000 ME of active ingredient.

Indications to Laferobion's use

According to the instruction Laferobion apply as a part of complex therapy of the infections caused:

  • Hepatitis B virus, in severe and medium-weight forms;
  • Multi-infections, virus or bacterial, including at babies up to 1 month;
  • Herpes virus, including herpetic damages of eyes, a herpetic enanthesis, genital herpes, shingles;
  • Virus of papilloma of the person.

Also Laferobion apply as a part of complex therapy of multiple sclerosis and oncological diseases:

  • Tumors of various localization, including cancer of a bladder, ovary, kidneys, breasts;
  • Melanomas of skin and eye;
  • Kaposha sarcomas;
  • Multiple myeloma;
  • Other malignant tumors of various localization.


According to the instruction Laferobion is contraindicated at:

  • Intolerance of active ingredient – interferon, and also other components of drug,
  • Serious illness of kidneys and liver;
  • Serious cardiovascular illness;
  • Oppression of a myeloid sprout of a hemopoiesis;
  • Diseases of a thyroid gland;
  • Epilepsies and other diseases of the central nervous system;

Laferobion is contraindicated to use at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation due to the lack of necessary researches.

Application instruction of Laferobion

Candles Laferobion apply rektalno. Usually the course of treatment makes 10 days. At a human papillomavirus infection, pretumor diseases of a neck of uterus, bacterial, virus both multi-infections and urogenital a mix infections, sexually transmitted, on one candle Laferobion each 12 hours usually appoint 1,5 million ME.

To children Laferobion appoint as a part of complex therapy on one candle Laferobion 150 thousand ME each 12 hours. The average duration of a course – 5 days. At treatment of a SARS, pneumonia of various etiology and meningitis one course suffices usually. Treatment of infections, caused by Epstein-Burra's virus, requires increase in a dosage and duration of a course.

Лаферобион в ампулахLaferobion's solution in ampoules is applied intramusculary, intravenously kapelno, vnutrikozhno, subcutaneously, vnutripuzyrno, intraperitoneally, rektalno and intranazalno, subkonjyunktivalno.

At treatment of a SARS at children Laferobion 100 000 ME/ml apply intranazalno 4–6 drops in each nasal course to 6 times a day for 3–5 days, Laferobion apply 20 000–50 000 ME/ml to newborn children. It is also possible to apply the wadded turundas impregnated with solution Laferobion in ampoules to 8 times a day.

At treatment of acute intestinal infections at children Laferobion apply rektalno in a dose of 10 000 ME/kg. At treatment of peritonitis, it is purulent - septic diseases, multiple abscesses of an abdominal cavity apply Laferobion in ampoules intravenously 2–4 million ME of 1 times a day, but no more than 12-16 million ME for a course.

Treatment of children by Laferobion at other diseases is defined individually by the doctor depending on age and the course of a disease.

Side effects

At Laferobion's use the arising side effects usually take place after the end of treatment. According to reviews Laferobion can cause:

  • Fever;
  • Sleep disorder;
  • Fatigue;
  • Perspiration;
  • Fervescence;
  • Mialgiya;
  • Headache;
  • Arthralgia;
  • Slackness.

For reduction of these symptoms at Laferobion's use paracetamol use is recommended.

At long therapy by Laferobion according to the instruction can arise:

  • Arthralgia;
  • Dizziness;
  • Hypererethism or drowsiness;
  • Alopecia;
  • Parasthesia;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Ataxy;
  • Inflows;
  • Cough;
  • Leucio-and thrombocytopenia;
  • Vomiting;
  • Skin rash or itch;
  • Herpetic defeats.

Much more rare, according to reviews about Laferobiona, there are alarming also depressions, nasal bleedings and confusion of consciousness.

Storage conditions

Laferobion is released without recipe. A period of storage – 2 years. It is possible to store divorced solution in the refrigerator no more days.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.