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Nettle leaves


Nettle leaves – vegetable means with a broad spectrum of activity.

Pharmacological action

Leaves of a nettle contain copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, Vit. Е, To, In, flavonoids, phytoncides, the knitting substances, glycosides, a chlorophyll, organic acids. All these substances allocate a nettle with curative properties and give the chance to use it as fortifying, healing, expectorating, laxative, cholagogue, expanding vessels, antiinflammatory, immunostimulating, an anticonvulsant.

Practice external use of leaves of a nettle – at skin diseases, bleedings, open wounds, problems with hair.

Release form

In pharmaceutical industry release the crushed dried-up urticaceous leaves, urticaceous phytotea, liquid extract of a nettle.

In house conditions leaves of a nettle dry up in the natural way or use fresh.

Indications to use

Apply a nettle to a stop of uterine, intestinal, hemorrhoidal bleedings, treatments of a hypovitaminosis, cholecystitis, atherosclerosis, a peptic ulcer of a GIT, locks, respiratory diseases, a coloenteritis, a nefrourolitiaz, an iron deficiency anemia, gout, a polymenorrhea, a mialgiya, a diabetes mellitus, quinsy.

Outwardly leaves of a nettle apply at purulent not healing wounds, ulcers trophic, herpes, a furunculosis, rash acne, decubituses. Rinsings of an oral cavity nettle decoction practice at problems with gingivas.

In cosmetology use nettle leaves for hair – for stimulation of their growth.


Use of leaves of a nettle is not recommended at: hypersensitivity to means, the bleedings caused by the tumor, diseases demanding surgical intervention at the raised blood svorachivayemost. Pregnant women cannot accept nettle decoctions since they raise a tone of uterine muscles, can provoke premature births. With care apply a fresh nettle, at a renal failure.

Application instruction

At bad coagulability of blood from a nettle prepare broth: two tablespoons of the crushed dried-up leaves fill in with a glass of the boiling water, kipyatyat10min, later cool, filter. Accept broth 4-5r/den on 1y to a tablespoon.

For a stop of bleedings make one tablespoon of leaves of a plant one glass of the water boiling, 10 more min. boil, filter after cools down and accept 4-5r/put on 1y to a tablespoon.

For regulation of a metabolism at an anemia, as fortifying means accept the infusion prepared from two spoons of the table leaves which are filled in with one glass boiled water and sustained 15 min. Accept infusion three р / to meal on one, two glasses.

For rinsing of a mouth use infusion from 10gr the leaves made 0,5st. boiled water (broth 10 min. insist).

Practice also use of leaves of a nettle in collecting. For treatment of acute gastritis mix a nettle, a St. John's Wort, a plantain in equal quantities, pharmaceutical, 4 spoons of dining rooms of mix fill in a camomile with one liter of boiled water, draw 2 h in the warm place. Later have one glass a little р / day (about 1,5 liters) on an extent 7-10dn.

Листья крапивыAt locks apply collecting from a nettle (one part), buckthorn bark (three parts), yarrow flowers (one part) – make one tablespoon of collecting a glass of boiled water, hold on fire a minute more, draw half an hour, filter and for the night drink on a 0,5-1ma to a glass on an extent 2kh weeks.

For treatment of hemorrhoids mix one part of leaves of a nettle, on two parts of a marjoram and bark of a buckthorn. Collecting (1 tablespoon) is made 1,5st. hot water, 5 min. boil, 4 h maintain in the warm place. Accept broth in a warm look three р / day on 0,5st. in 15 min. prior to meal.

For outside washings and compresses two spoons of table leaves fill in with a glass of the boiling water, 25 min. insist, filter.

Nettle leaves for hair (100gr) fill in 0,5l. waters, 0,5l. vinegar, boil half an hour, filter.

It is recommended to filter nettle decoction in an hour after preparation.

Side effects

Allergic manifestations.

Whether you know that:

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