Main > Food stuffs> Raspberry


Raspberry is one of the most tasty medicinal berries. Whether it is known to you that these berries happen not only red, but also white, and even black?



Raspberry belongs to plants from a sort Rubus, families Pink. Represents the long-term bush to height reaching one and a half meters. Escapes of a bush are covered with small thorns and edible fruits.

Stalks at a bush upright, with oval leaves of dark green color which from below are trimmed small hairs. Raspberry the white flowers collected in small clustery inflorescences which are located in bosoms of leaves on tops of stalks blossoms.

Sort berry from countries of Northern Europe. Wild bushes can be met in ravines, the dark, on coast of the rivers. Raspberry in many countries is cultivated, it is preferential in Russia, America, Serbia and Montenegro.

Wild raspberry was known at the time of Ancient Rome and Greece. For the first time mentioning of this bush as about a garden plant occurs in the manuscripts relating to the 3rd century B.C. In the 16th its century began to part in the territory of Western Europe, and since the 18th century and in the USA.

How it is frequent in national legends, fairy tales and legends this berry is mentioned, it in life of peasants played an important role. Because of extraordinary taste berry is associated at people with something pleasant. As often people say when they want to emphasize that someone lives well: "It has not a life – raspberry!".

Fruits of raspberry represent the small size the pilar stone fruit having gentle sweet taste and pleasant aroma. The most widespread is the grade of red raspberry whose color scale can vary from dark and claret till light pink color. But exist a grade and white raspberry, with berries of yellow color, and also black – an ezhemalina. Usually at wild-growing raspberry of berry more small, than at garden grades, but taste and aroma much nasyshchenny.

Fruits of raspberry use in cookery and traditional medicine. Berries are eaten fresh, preserved, cook from them jam and syrups, dried. Do juice, compotes, kissels, baby puree, jelly and fruit drinks of them. Juice of raspberry is used at preparation of sweet dishes – yogurts, creams, desserts, candies, cottage cheese. From raspberry the fine stuffing for pies turns out, they are added to cakes and cakes. If to freeze fresh fruits of raspberry, then they will be stored a long time, without losing the valuable qualities.

Structure and caloric content of raspberry

In 100 g of fresh raspberry 85,75 g of water, 6,5 g of cellulose, 1,2 g of proteins, 5,45 g of carbohydrates, 0,46 g of ashes, 0,65 g of fats contain; vitamins: And, B1, B2, PP, B5, B9, C, E, K, P, B4; macrocells: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium; microelements: selenium, copper, iron, manganese, copper.

At raspberry caloric content is low and makes about 52 kcal on 100 g.

Useful properties of raspberry

Raspberry brings the main benefit at cold, ORZ, quinsy. It is connected with the fact that berries contain salicylic acid – strong febrifugal and sudorific. Therefore decrease in body temperature, and, without the side effects inherent in the majority of drugs belongs to properties of raspberry. In particular wild grades of raspberry have febrifugal properties. In the medicinal purposes dried fruits are made and drunk as tea. Sudorific properties of raspberry are useful also to hypertensive persons to a lowering of arterial pressure.

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Besides, the advantage of raspberry consists in the antiemetic, antiinflammatory, anti-toxic, styptic, anesthetizing properties. Regular consumption of berries favorably affects a condition of skin, thanks to the high content of vitamins of group B. At some diseases of intestines, stomach and kidneys, and also atherosclerosis and anemia raspberry is also useful. It is especially appreciated thanks to what even after heat treatment keeps the majority of useful properties therefore raspberry jam is considered same useful, as well as fresh berries.

The advantage of raspberry is concluded not only in fruits, but also in leaves. In traditional medicine they are used for stimulation of muscles of a uterus and as diuretic.

It is necessary to know that at gout and nephrite raspberry is not recommended to be used.

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