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Metamizole sodium

Metamizole sodium (in Russia it is known as Analgin) is medicine from group of pyrazyl ketones and possesses analgetic action. Drug effectively removes a pain syndrome of various etiology, blocks passing of painful impulses on nervous bunches, raises a threshold of painful sensitivity.Формула Метамизола натрия

Structure and form of release

Drug consists of sodium salt of metansulfonovy acid. Metamizole sodium is derivative pyrazyl ketone.

Is issued in capsules and tablets, and also in the form of solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration. For children rectal candles are issued.

Pharmacological properties of Metamizole sodium

Metamizole sodium possesses the expressed antiinflammatory action, febrifugal and spasmolytic properties. Drug actively affects smooth muscles of muscles and urinary tract, eliminating spasms and a pain syndrome.

Medical effect of active agents develops within 20-30 minutes after administration of drug. Metamizole sodium is removed from an organism within 5 hours.

At treatment of children under 5 years it is necessary to accept drug only under observation of the attending physician.

Patients with bronchial asthma have a risk of development of allergic reactions to drug components.

Indications to Metamizole sodium use

Metamizole sodium is appointed at the infectious and inflammatory diseases, allergic reactions which arose after stings of insects and also at a pain syndrome, including neuralgia, intestinal and bilious gripes, injuries, burns, radiculitis, a miositis, herpes.

The analgetic kills pains of various expressiveness during the postoperative period, and also eliminates tooth and a headache.

Application instruction of Metamizole sodium

Metamizole sodium is appointed by the adult 2-3 times a day on 500 mg, and children up to 5 years on 100 mg and up to 10 years - 200 mg. The daily dose of drug for adults should not exceed 3 g, and for children – 1 g.

At purpose of Metamizole sodium in the form of injections, solution has to correspond to the body temperature of the patient. Incorrectly chosen dose of drug can lead to sharp pressure decrease and coma.

The drug dose in a rectal form for adults has to make no more than 1000 mg, and for children - no more than 400 mg. Children at introduction drug in the form of candles have to be in a prone position and absolute rest.

At long administration of drug it is necessary to control a condition of peripheral blood carefully. It is not necessary to accept Metamizole sodium for removal of acute pains without clarification of their reason.Главное действующее вещество Баралгина - метамизол натрия


Contraindications to reception of Metamizole sodium are hypersensitivity and individual intolerance of components of drug, existence of an infectious neutropenia, a liver and renal failure, and also anemia of hereditary character which is connected with deficit of glucose.

It is not necessary to appoint Metamizole sodium at "aspirinovy" asthma, decrease in maintenance of leukocytes in blood and an allergy to acetylsalicylic acid.

With care drug is appointed during pregnancy and a lactation, aged up to 4 months, and also at reception of medicines with the ethanol content.

Side effects of Metamizole sodium

Side effects at reception of Metamizole sodium can have the expressed character and be followed by various complications.

From urinogenital system the following side effects are possible: renal failure, anury, intersticial nephrite, proteinuria.

From the blood circulatory system: leukopenia, thrombocytosis, agranulocytosis.

Drug can cause allergic reactions: allergic conjunctivitis, small tortoiseshell, rash, Quincke's edema, toxic necrolysis, bronchospasm, acute anaphylaxis.

It is not necessary to accept Metamizole sodium along with other analgetics, codeine and myelotoxic medicines that can lead to intoxication or diseases of the blood circulatory system.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.