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Male infertility

General characteristic of a disease

Причины мужского бесплодия

Male infertility is not ability of the man to impregnate in the natural way a female ovum. Infertility becomes a medical problem if couple within year and more regular sex life does not manage to conceive the child.

In 30% of cases the cause is men's factor of infertility. 35% make problems with reproductive health at the woman. In 15% of cases the combined female and male infertility is diagnosed. And the remained 20% fall on infertility of the so-called idiopathic, i.e. obscure etiology.

Reasons of male infertility

Spermatogenesis pathologies (production of sperm), and also disturbances of an erection and an ejaculation belong to the reasons of male infertility. First group of factors of male infertility the most widespread.

According to WHO data of the reason of male infertility can be psychosexual, infectious, immunological or endocrine character. To male infertility quite often give injuries of testicles, to the varikotsela (a phlebectasia in a seed cord) and the following pathologies of a spermatogenesis:

  • azoospermism (absence in sperm of live mobile spermatozoa),
  • astenospremiya (small mobility of spermatozoa),
  • necrospermia (presence at semen of a large number of impractical spermatozoa),
  • teratospermia (disturbance of structure of spermatozoa),
  • hypospermia (deficit of an ejaculate),
  • polyspermia (excessive amount of semen), etc.

Among the reasons of male infertility which caused disturbances of production of sperm call also to a gidrotsela or a hydrocele, a cryptorchism (not descent of testis in a scrotum), high-quality and malignant new growths of testicles.

Carry the viral parotitis called in use by a mumps to factors of male infertility. Rank syphilis, clamidiosis, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea as other infectious diseases which served as the reason of male infertility. These diseases, sexually transmitted, influence not only quality of sperm, but can provoke problems with an erection and an ejaculation, and also urethra pathologies.

Refer passing of a course of radiation or chemical therapy, long reception of antibiotics or anabolitichesky steroids to factors of male infertility.

Капсулы для лечения мужского бесплодия

Male infertility of immunological character the stress, avitaminosis, a systematic overheat, a slow-moving way of life and regular excessive exercise stresses provoke an alcohol abuse and drugs.

Diagnosis of male infertility

Male infertility is diagnosed after inspection and consultation for the therapist, the urologist, the endocrinologist, the geneticist and the sexopathologist. For diagnosis the man needs to have the general and urogenital examination, to hand over a spermogram, to check cytologic structure of seed bubbles and a secret of a prostate.

In diagnosis of male infertility check on sexually transmitted infections is obligatory: clamidiosis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, herpes virus, cytomegalovirus. To the patient with the preliminary diagnosis "male infertility", hormonal screening is without fail carried out. The man goes also for ultrasonography of bodies of a small pelvis and thyroid gland.

In hard diagnostic cases of the reasons of male infertility the renal flebografiya, a X-ray analysis or MRT of a skull, and also a biopsy of testicles is recommended.

Treatment of male infertility

In conservative treatment of male infertility of a hormonal etiology gonadotrophin drugs, antagonists of estrogen, glucocorticoids or testosterone are used. The choice of medicine depends on type of hormonal pathology.

The retrograde ejaculation as one of factors of male infertility of psychosexual character, is treated by rates of antidepressants. Patients with sperm emission disturbances in whose the anamnesis there are operations in a bladder neck, demand to themselves other approach. In treatment of male infertility of this type collagen injections directly in a bladder neck are applied

Surgical treatment of male infertility is applied at the varikotsel. Operation is performed by an endoscopic method or an open way with transabdominal access. If the reason of male infertility – disturbance of passability of deferent ducts, carrying out a vazoepididimoanastomoz or vazoorkhoanastomoz is shown to the patient.

At pathologies of an erection or ejaculation against the background of an undisturbed spermatogenesis the medical intake of sperm for the subsequent fertilization of an ovum is possible. Withdrawal of sperm at male infertility happens to the help of a puncture from a small egg or a microsurgical way.

Thanks to auxiliary reproductive technologies modern couples manage to conceive the child even in cases of the heaviest male infertility. Desired pregnancy is caused by intrauterine insemination of an ovum or extracorporal fertilization.

National treatment of male infertility

Ароматерапия в народном лечении мужского бесплодия

In treatment of male infertility folk remedies widely apply phytotherapy. Carry a rain orchid to the herbs reviving male power two-leaved, an orchis men's, a wormwood ordinary, левзею saflorovidny, a jug yellow, an asarum, etc. Roots and leaves of these plants are used for preparation of curative broths.

Very often in national treatment of male infertility seeds and nuts are applied: trigonella, asparagus, plantain, nettle, stone pine, cedar.

It is impossible to revaluate a food role in treatment of male infertility folk remedies. For normalization of a hormonal background men are recommended to eat phytohormones. They contain in nuts, garnet and quince juice, a sorrel, a sage.

As an aromatherapy in national treatment of male infertility oils of a rose, a sandalwood, a geranium, a jasmine, a sage muscat are applied. They are recommended to be used during massage or to add several drops to a bathtub. Massage in a bath with thermal procedures is more effective - functions grease improve and sweat glands, the blood stream accelerates, skin becomes elastic and elastic.

Whether you know that:

The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.