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Urine incontience at men

Urine incontience at men – a state at which periodically there is an involuntary urination (inkontinention).Аденома простаты - одна из причин недержания мочи у мужчин

The probability of this disease increases with age, but there is no direct dependence. An urine incontience at men, as a rule, not an individual disease, but a consequence of various pathological processes. Practically without influencing physical health, this disease considerably reduces quality of life, complicates household, family, professional and social adaptation, inducing a number of psychological problems.

The main types of an incontience of urine at men:

  • Stressful. The exercise stress, cough, laughter can provoke release of urine. The marked-out amount of urine at the same time usually insignificant;
  • Urgentny (imperative). Release of urine happens owing to an intolerable desire to an urination. As a rule, a large amount of urine is allocated.

Urine incontience at men: reasons

The main reasons for an incontience of urine at men are a consequence:

  • Age changes of tissues of prostate gland, muscles of a small pelvis, bodies of urinogenital system;
  • Cancer or adenoma (benign hyperplasia) of a prostate;
  • Side effects of operational treatment of a prostate;
  • Injuries of a head or spinal cord therefore control over work of a bladder is lost;
  • Infectious diseases in the lower urinary tract and a bladder;
  • Deposits of stones in a bladder, in kidneys;
  • Neurologic diseases, such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis;
  • Reception of some medical supplies, for example antihistaminic and anticongestive means;
  • Stresses, mental diseases.

Urine incontience at men: treatment

Treatment of an incontience of urine at men is appointed depending on disease type.

Inkontinention of stressful type is recommended to be treated conservatively, using the following events in a complex:

  • Special exercises, for strengthening of muscles of a small pelvis;
  • Special exercises on strengthening of muscles of a crotch and the sphincteric device – Kegel's complex;
  • Certain medicines.

Treatment of an incontience of urine at men at urgentny type of a disease is appointed after definition of the reasons causing it. Effective therapy of adenoma of a prostate or prostatitis, in case of their disease, can be a solution of the problem of an urgentny inkontinention.

At diseases of the neurogenic or unspecified nature of an incontience of urine at men treatment comes down to medicamentous relaxation of a muscle of a bladder, removal of its involuntary reductions and increase in functional capacity of a bubble.

It is not necessary to treat an urine incontience at men by national methods and means as it can aggravate disease only.

For prevention of an inkontinention it is necessary to limit alcohol intake, coffee, to leave off smoking and stop reception of the medicines having diuretic properties. It is necessary to control the weight as extra kilos can create additional load of a bladder and provoke an urine incontience at men.

Bed wetting at men

Bed wetting at men – enuresis, rather widespread phenomenon, especially in age category is more senior than 45 years. More than a half of all displays of enuresis at adult men is a consequence of not cured children's diseases. In other cases physicians state acquired or, so-called, secondary bed wetting at men.

Specialists qualify the following types of enuresis at men:

  • Constant;
  • Recurrent;
  • Acquired.

At the first displays of bed wetting the man should go to the doctor at once to receive the qualified medical care. Enuresis is not only psychological problem, it can become the reason of various diseases of urinogenital system, for example inflammations of a bladder (cystitis).

Urine incontience at men: drugs

When conservative therapy does not lead to decrease in frequency of an incontience of urine at men medicines only the attending physician can appoint.Алфузозин - один из препаратов для лечения недержания мочи у мужчин

In modern medicine there are following types of drugs for an urine incontience at men:

  • Alpha blockers (medicines on the basis of a terazozin, a doksazozin, a tamsulozin, an alfuzozin). They stimulate relaxation of smooth muscles of a neck of a bladder and prostate, normalize outflow of urine and prevent disturbance of the reductions of a bladder leading to an urgentny inkontinention. Generally alpha blockers use if the urine incontience at men is a consequence of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate;
  • Blockers 5 alpha of reductase (medicines on the basis of a finasterid, a dutasterid). Drugs for oppression of a producing the dihydrotestosterone which is the reason of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate. Are accepted for reduction of frequency of an incontience of urine or its delay in a bladder by reduction of the sizes of a prostate;
  • Tricyclic antidepressants (drugs on the basis of Imipraminum). Drugs relax muscles and block the nervous impulses causing bladder spasms;
  • Spasmolysants (medicines on the basis of active components: пропантелин, толтеродин, оксибутинин, дарифенацин, троспиум chloride, solifenatsin succinate). A class of the medicines relaxing muscles and reducing bladder spasms.

At simple frustration of an urination the doctor can recommend treatment by homeopathic and phytotherapeutic medicines Urilan, Enuran, etc. For treatment of an age inkontinention practice homeopathic injections for men Super Optimal.

All drugs the attending physician after comprehensive examination and establishment of the exact diagnosis are appointed.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.