The neurologist – the doctor who is engaged in identification and treatment of diseases of various parts of the nervous system. The following parts of the nervous system are under authority of the neurologist:
Before the doctor of this specialty called also the neuropathologist, but this term became outdated and is not used any more. The patient can receive recommendations about inspection and treatment on reception at the neurologist in policlinic (on an outpatient basis). In a case, demanding special inspections and procedures, it is possible to receive medical treatment in a specialized neurologic hospital. Consultation of the neurologist is necessary also in emergency situations, for example, in case of a stroke, an attack of neuralgia or spasms. The neurologist helps to distinguish diseases of a nervous system from the somatic, having "mask" nervous diseases.
Today the neurologist quite often has adjacent or narrower specialty, for example, on psychiatry, an epileptologiya or an osteopathy.
On reception the neurologist at first asks the patient on complaints. Most often dizzinesses, faints and headaches, dorsodynias, a lack of coordination or sensitivity, a dysmnesia, sight or hearing, the increased sweating, nervousness and irritability, sleeplessness become a reason for consultation of the neurologist.
In developing of diseases of a nervous system the way of life of the person, a condition of its work, hereditary burdeness on some diseases, the traumatized, accompanying diseases, etc. can play an important role. The neurologist learns about all this at inquiry of the patient.
At the general survey on reception can be found in the neurologist the increased or lowered pressure which can play a role in developing of a stroke, and also to be one of symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia.
Special neurologic inspection gives to the neurologist an idea of work of a nervous system. Such inspection has to be complex and estimate work of all parts of the nervous system – from a brain to muscles which are innervated by receptors. Besides, during consultation the neurologist will never disregard also estimates higher nervous activity.
For carrying out neurologic inspection the neurologist adheres to his accurate scheme, carrying out one after another assessment:
During inspection the neurologist at first will reveal the place of defeat (the topical diagnosis), and further on separate symptoms will establish the clinical diagnosis.
Patients with signs of defeat of a nervous system are exposed to full neurologic inspection. If the person does not show complaints, then usually is rather short neurologic inspection which according to neurologists takes no more than 3 - 5 minutes. It includes consciousness assessment, a research of mobility of mimic muscles and eyes (including an eyeground, pupils), speeches, forces of muscles in hands and legs, bottom and tendon jerks, gait and painful sensitivity.
Sometimes even at a serious neurologic illness it is not possible to reveal disturbances in work of a nervous system, for example, out of an attack at epilepsy. In this case the anamnesis of a disease is important for work of the neurologist.
It is possible to carry to additional methods of neurologic inspection radiological, an electroencephalography (EEG), an ekhoentsefalografiya (ЭхоЭГ), a rheoencephalography (REG), ultrasonic doppler sonography (UZDG), an electromyography (EMG). According to neurologists modern methods of visualization (KT, MRT, UZDG) allow to carry out more precisely and quickly topical diagnosis.
Only after full and profound inspection the neurologist exposes the diagnosis and appoints treatment. According to neurologists a difficult and important part of their work is made by communication with relatives of the patient who need to know about the forecast of a disease and ways of rehabilitation of neurologic patients.
Nervous diseases – quite widespread pathology. Most often the neurologist should face such diseases as:
Besides, some diseases of a nervous system have accurate relationship of cause and effect with body somatopathies.
Survey of the children's neurologist is included into the program of inspection of all children till 1 year. It is important to make it in so early terms not to miss pathological changes in a nervous system of the child and not to lead to a delay of his development. Besides, the nervous system of the child has good recovery potential, and timely treatment according to neurologists can lead to an absolute recovery. If in time not to take a measure, then further it can reflect adversely on study, ability to concentrate attention and assiduity.
Only the children's neurologist because even many pediatricians hardly draw a distinction between norm and pathology in nervous activity of babies has to be engaged in a nervous system of children. Survey of the children's neurologist sometimes reveals failures in work of a nervous system even in the absence of complaints at the child's parents.
Specifics of work of the children's neurologist are that a part of neurologic diseases arises right after the birth and therefore there are difficulties assembled of the anamnesis and complaints when the kid does not speak yet. For treatment the neurologist appoints drugs, safe for use in pediatric practice and expects them the weight and age of the child.
Good comments on the neurologists working with children – a sign that the doctor found a common language with the kid and his parents.
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