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Obsessivno-kompulsivnoye frustration

Обсессивно-компульсивное расстройство - навязчивые мысли или действияThe word "obsession" in transfer into Russian means: siege, blockade. Kompulsiya is a coercion. Thus, obsessivno-compulsive frustration is transferred with Latin as forced protection against persuasive fears. At the same time kompulsiya mean the movements in a certain sequence with fixing of an unnecessary dynamic stereotype.

The violent movements made against the will of the person turn into certain rituals which are unpleasant for the patient, and at the same time are considered necessary for him. Fears can be the most various: from fear of open space (agarofobiya), to persuasive fear of development of a mental disease (lisophobia).

The fear of a mental disorder is characteristic absolutely of all people at whom obsessivno-compulsive frustration as awareness of absurdity of own actions generates serious fears of rather own mental health develops. Nevertheless, similar states occur at many people with absolutely healthy mentality.

Manifestations of obsessivno-compulsive frustration

Practically each person is subject to some fears. The similar state is fixed by the major congenital reflex – defensive. The reasonable behavior does not allow to risk life and health. People undertake preventive measures for prevention of accidents. If the person pays more attention to own fears, then he mentally predicts accidents which can happen. The further train of thought prompts system of protection against danger.

Therefore treatment of obsessivno-compulsive frustration provides "a thought stop". Otherwise people can wash hands on twenty-thirty times a day not to catch. The arising fears induce to development of system of protection. The person begins to perceive life as a certain system. At the household level benign obsessivno-compulsive frustration is expressed in following to various national signs. The person knocks on a tree, having told something "awful", spits out through the left shoulder after the black cat crosses the road, comes back home and surely looks in a mirror.

More difficult cases are expressed in the long actions directed to protection against persuasive fears. The person hides sharp objects, being afraid for health of members of household. At strongly expressed obsession there is a fear to make dangerous actions. Suddenly appeared thoughts have imperative character. The patient is unexpectedly covered by desire to rush under the car or to push off under the train of the loved one. He understands full absurdity of so cruel desire and is afraid to make a similar act.

Characteristic feature of obsessivno-compulsive frustration is peculiar mental compensation which consists in certain actions. In mild cases, it is enough to patient to get out of a bed by all means from the right leg, and then persuasive fears recede. At the long course of a disease when treatment of obsessivno-compulsive frustration is not carried out, rituals become multistage and noticeable for people around. The patient puts objects in strictly certain order. When this system is broken by the careless movement, he repeats manipulation again. It proceeds until the sequence in a perfect order is executed. The mood of the person instantly spoils as soon as he sees that the objects put by it, "guaranteeing protection", appear not on the place.

Obsessivno-kompulsivnoye frustration: tests

For the purpose of identification of changes of mentality as neurosis of persuasive states author's tests which disclose predisposition to obsession are developed and reveal tendency of the person to magic thinking.

When there is an obsessivno-compulsive frustration, the test indicates existence of a sshibka of processes of braking and initiation of higher nervous activity. At a positive take of people needs the qualified medical care.

Obsessivno-kompulsivnoye frustration: treatment

At treatment of neurosis of persuasive states the following methods are used:

  • Psychotherapy;
  • Drug treatment;
  • Social rehabilitation.

Диагностика и лечение обсессивно-компульсивного расстройстваThe psychotherapy has positive effect, but not always. Principles of psychotherapy: individual and group which provide constant playing of the psychoinjuring situation, with the purpose to win against unreasonable fear. However for some patients of fear are not far-fetched, but are perceived by quite real threat. The constant reminder on the psychoinjuring factor, on the contrary, aggravates a depression. Therefore when obsessivno-compulsive frustration is diagnosed, only the psychiatrist has to appoint treatment.

Medicamentous influence at a syndrome of persuasive states is, as a rule, carried out permanently within two months. Then the patient is written out under observation in policlinic. If necessary further drug intake is recommended, but, most often, treatment is limited to social rehabilitation. With the patient the supporting discussions which purpose to provide hope for an absolute recovery are led. The person is accustomed to live without fears, studies the correct behavior in society, adequate assessment of a surrounding situation.

Obsessivno-kompulsivnoye frustration: forecast

At treatment of the disease lasting up to one year more than in half of cases the forecast favorable – there occurs absolute and final recovery. If therapy begins later, obsessivno-compulsive frustration gets a chronic current and lasts for several years.

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