The ophthalmologist is a medical specialist who is engaged in treatment and prevention of eye diseases, and also studying of physiology and anatomy of an eye.
The first attempts of treatment of eye diseases were made in the 1st century B.C. The famous philosopher and the scientist Cornelius Zels allocated an iris of the eye, cameras and a ciliary body of eyes. Thanks to researches of the scientist glaucoma and a cataract were for the first time revealed, and also the technique of pressure of a cataract which was applied until the end of the 16th century is improved.
The Arab scientists got knowledge at ancient civilizations too and put them into practice. Ibn Haytam wrote the book about optics which became a basis of further creation of points and theories of sight. Ibn Xing in the treatise "Canon of Medical Medicine" developed the guide to eye diseases which was used in the European countries for 600 years.
In the 19th century the first ophthalmologic operations were performed by the surgeon J. Kritchet from England. He is one of founders of modern ophthalmology.
Now the profession the ophthalmologist covers extensive field of knowledge. The USA trains these specialists within 4 years in the bachelor's degrees, and then 4 more years in degree of the doctor of ophthalmology. Also this field of medicine is additional discipline which is studied on medical residency.
The ophthalmology covers various aspects of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of an eye, and also the diseases of a brain influencing sight.
In the USA and Europe the curriculum of the ophthalmologist includes science about sight, pharmacology, bases of a technique of diagnosis and delivery of health care, neurology, visual psychophysis and optics. Also in the course of training study aspects of functional sight, therapy, anatomy, visual perception, histology, etc.
The ophthalmologist works in close cooperation with other specialists, including with the oculist, an optometrist, the physiologist and the psychotherapist.
The ophthalmologist can send the patient to an optometrist for recovery of sight, purpose of optical devices or contact lenses.
The ophthalmologist can conduct prevention, examination and treatment, both adult patients, and children. The children's ophthalmologist checks sight, defines eye diseases. Carry to their number a cataract, a cataract, glaucoma, a ritonopatiya and others.
Also children's ophthalmologist is engaged in sight correction. There are several methods: refraktivny, medicinal and optical therapy. Only in extreme cases the children's ophthalmologist applies surgical intervention.
The ophthalmologist is engaged in medical activity in policlinic and eye department of hospital, and also in specialized clinics and clinics. This specialist can work in the scientific centers, research institutes and the organizations which are engaged in studying of diseases of an eye.
The ophthalmologist carries out reception daily, conducts examinations, checks visual acuity and measures intraocular pressure, and also defines a condition of an eyeground. Reception of the ophthalmologist carries both planned, and emergency character with immediate assistance to the patient.
Patients with the progressing diseases have to address the ophthalmologist regularly.
This doctor has to accept complaints and wishes of patients. The ophthalmologist receives positive reviews at purpose of the procedures corresponding to a disease and use of an effective technique of treatment.
At serious violations of sight the doctor appoints operation, including at an injury, cataract, severe short-sightedness and glaucoma.
At heavy damage of a cornea of an eye the ophthalmologist carries out change and uses modern bio - and nanotechnologies. Now in many countries the possibility of transplantation of an artificial cornea appeared. The ophthalmologist receives good comments also after qualitatively performed operation without rejection of a cornea.
The ophthalmologist has to be the responsible, competent and professional medical specialist with good motility, high accuracy and ethics in work. This specialist has to study constantly new technologies and apply modern methods of treatment of eye diseases.
The ophthalmologist has to have high knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and also other fundamental fields of medicine.
Now, in connection with high development of technologies, the number of patients with eye diseases sharply increased. Register in reception of the ophthalmologist both children and teenagers, and adult patients. The ophthalmologist will receive positive reviews if uses the most effective diagnostic methods.
For detection of eye diseases the doctor uses the following diagnostic methods:
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