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Olive oil

Olive oil – the vegetable oil received from fruits of the European olive. Inhabitants of the Mediterranean for the first time began to grow up the European olive. Already then they knew of advantage of oil from olive fruits. And residents of Ancient Greece called this oil "liquid gold".

Оливковое масло - масло, получаемое из плодов оливыOlives grow up in Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, France. The olive tree grows also in the Crimea, Central Asia and Transcaucasia.

Oil from olives can be natural, refined (cleared) and zhmykhovy.

Natural oil before release is not exposed to preliminary chemical cleaning. The refined oil is purified with use of physical and chemical methods for elimination from it free fatty acids. Zhmykhovy oil is received from отжимок under the influence of high temperature and using special chemical solvents.

Chemical composition and nutrition value of olive oil

Hundred grams of oil contain 99,8 g of fat (16,8 g of saturated fatty acids and 13,2 g of unsaturated fatty acids), 0,2 g of water, and also 2 mg of phosphorus, 0,4 mg of iron and 12,1 mg of vitamin E.

Caloric content of olive oil – 898 kcal on hundred grams of an edible part.

Advantage of olive oil

Useful properties of olive oil were used from time immemorial. On the basis of this oil made various curative balms, and doctors of that time recommended to the patients to drink in the morning one-two teaspoons of oil for digestion improvement. Judging by responses, olive oil really improves activity of intestines, liver, pancreas, accelerates healing of ulcers of a duodenum and stomach, and also has soft laxative effect.

The advantage of olive oil is explained by an ideal formula of its structure – the maximum quantity of easily split monounsaturated fats and the minimum concentration of saturated solid fats. Vitamin E in oil helps a human body to acquire better the oil vitamins dissolved in fats. Linoleic, linolenic and olein acids are a part of oil. These acids make salutary impact on digestive organs, lower cholesterol level, and also diseases of vessels and heart warn.

Thanks to the useful properties, olive oil is ideal for a diet of nursing mothers and pregnant women. It is proved that fatty acids on properties are similar to the fats which are a part of maternal milk.

Besides, fatty acids of oil are a basis for construction material of covers of cells. The important advantage of oil for a children's organism consists in it. And as the human body synthesizes these valuable acids only partially, it is regularly very important to add to a diet of the child necessary amount of oil for improvement of growth of its bone system.

The immunopromoting effect is also explained by a wide range of useful properties of olive oil.

The French nutritionists consider that oil from olives protects a human body practically from all diseases, and also keeps youth and prolongs life.

Scientists found out that natural oil from olives possesses anticarcinogenic action. Besides, this natural product reduces risk of development of a myocardial infarction by 70%.

Advantage of olive oil for the person

Olive oil for the person for the first time was used by a lot more years back. In present time this natural product is considered irreplaceable means in cosmetology.

This oil contains a large amount of the vitamin E considerably prolonging skin youth in the structure and the vitamin A which is responsible for moistening of skin and its elasticity. Besides, this oil contains also other valuable vitamins, and also the monounsaturated fats which are well influencing a condition of skin. Regular use of olive oil for the person provides to skin sufficient moistening and nutrition and considerably slows down aging process.

Judging by responses, olive oil is ideal for care of the dry and withering skin. Oil accelerates formation of new cells, holds moisture in skin for long time, and at the same time does not hammer a time.Оливковое масло - натуральное средство по уходу за кожей лица

Oil significantly smoothes the existing wrinkles, and also prevents their emergence. This natural product can be used also in care of sensitive skin.

Advantage of olive oil for hair

Olive oil for hair is not less useful, than for skin. Judging by responses, olive oil solves a hair loss problem with success. It contains a complex of the vitamins promoting recovery and growth of hair. Vitamins of oil recover the damaged hair bulbs and influence a core from within, getting into structure of hair. Fatty acids of oil provide food of hair with oxygen, and also carefully clear head skin of devitalized cells.

Recently the ozonized olive oil for hair enjoys special popularity. Thanks to ozone all medicinal properties of olive oil amplify several times.

Oil is a component of many cosmetics on care of hair. It can be used also as a basis for the mask prepared in house conditions. As the additional components strengthening effect of oil it is possible to add a lemon, honey, burning pepper, an egg yolk to a mask.

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Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.