Main > Diseases> Osteoarthrosis


Short characteristic of a disease

The osteoarthrosis is the most widespread noninflammatory disease of joints. The existing medical statistics says to us that each 10 people on Earth suffer from it, reception in risk group are in the woman's basic aged from 45 up to 55 years. According to specialists, the osteoarthrosis of joints arises owing to: disbolism, genetic predisposition, deterioration in blood supply of a joint, advanced age and some diseases, for example, psoriasis or pseudorheumatism. Despite a large number of probable causes, most often an osteoarthrosis appears after considerable loads of joints with which cartilages are not capable to cope. Become the reason of these loadings: excess weight, disturbances of a bearing, long work in one situation and some sports (run, weightlifting, jumps).

What occurs at an osteoarthrosis?

Симптомы остеартроза

The disease leads to bystry "aging" of a joint cartilage, that is it begins to lose the elasticity and becomes covered by small, rough cracks. Quite often the course of a disease occurs so intensively that the cartilage is erased up to a bone exposure. For this reason the osteoarthrosis which treatment began too late leads to disturbance of work of joints and other serious effects.

Danger of a disease is explained also by the fact that the inflammatory process leading to growth of a bone tissue is added to the main damages. Constant pains and further deformations of joint cartilages become its result. Let's notice also that in most cases the osteoarthrosis of a hip joint is diagnosed for patients, however from it knees, cervical department and joints of lumbar department of a backbone, and also a phalanx of fingers on hands are not insured.

Osteoarthrosis – symptoms and a clinical picture

The onset of the illness will be marked by a pokhrustyvaniye of joints and emergence of unpleasant feelings during their bending. Eventually the person has a deforming osteoarthrosis which proves pains during the movement. Especially strongly they are felt during walking when pain from a hip joint is given to a knee and a hip. Let's note also that the osteoarthrosis of joints has property to amplify in the afternoon and to abate during night rest. However, some simplification disappears already later a couple of hours after rise in connection with exercise stresses on the injured joints.

One more important point: in the absence of treatment the deforming osteoarthrosis constantly progresses and can reach that the joint will lose mobility and is deformed, and any movement will begin to cause to the person intolerable pain. If business reached so serious effects, then it is possible to speak only about reduction of intensity of pain and removal of the brightest symptoms of the accompanying inflammation. Unfortunately, the started osteoarthrosis of a hip joint cannot already be cured completely because of impossibility to recover the injured cartilage.

Osteoarthrosis – treatment by traditional methods

In the course of treatment of an osteoarthrosis doctors aim to solve the following problems:

  • to provide the affected joint with necessary amount of blood;
  • to unload it from excessive mechanical loadings;
  • to reduce an inflammation;
  • to prevent development of a disease.

лечение остеоартроза народными методами

As the osteoarthrosis of a knee joint exerts impact on degree of mobility of the person, mechanical unloading is not less important component of treatment, than reception of medicamentous means. Patients are recommended to avoid long stay in one pose, to go, limit less the stereotypic movements and to refuse transfer of weights. If the osteoarthrosis of joints is diagnosed at late stages, then it will be useful for sick person to go with crutches or a cane.

Except decrease in load of a joint, traditional treatment includes reception of medicines, physical therapy, transdermal stimulation and other techniques. Consider only that selection of drugs entirely is under authority of the doctor as at the same time it is necessary to consider mechanisms of spread of a disease, degree of manifestation of symptoms, separate contraindications and a profile of safety of drugs. Most often the deforming osteoarthrosis is treated by means of analgetic means and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The last are generally applied at severe forms of a disease as effectively kill pain and improve functioning of the injured joints.

If the isolated osteoarthrosis is diagnosed for the patient, treatment includes use of local means – ointments, gels and creams on the basis of antiinflammatory drugs. Today in drugstores there were also more progressive means, for example, plasters which, on the conducted researches, were more effective, than traditional forms of drugs.

National treatment of an osteoarthrosis

At once we will notice that national methods of treatment of an osteoarthrosis have to be combined with recommendations of the attending physician and not contradict them. As for directly recipes, we give the most popular of them below:

  • if the diagnosis an osteoarthrosis of a knee joint is made to the person, compresses from pork fat will be effective. Wind with it the damaged sites and record fat by means of a gauze bandage or polyethylene and an elastic roller. If skin begins to itch, then grease it with children's cream;
  • regularly do a pulverizing of tincture of horse-radish, flowers of a lilac, sprouts of potatoes or flowers of a chestnut. They prepare as follows: 50 grams of initial substance infuse in 0,5 l. vodka within several days. Tincture is accepted 3 times a day in thirty minutes prior to meal;
  • prepare mix from honey, dry mustard and vegetable oil (on a tablespoon of each substance), heat it and apply to the hurting place for 1,5 - 2 hours, having recorded a warm scarf. After removal of a compress pain will be felt already not so strongly, and some time you will be able normally to move and carry out necessary household chores.
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