Main > Diseases> Periodontosis


Оголение корней зубов при пародонтозе

Periodontosis is the primary and dystrophic disease of teeth affecting bone tissues of a jaw and a parodont that leads to disturbances of a trophicity (food) of fabrics, blood supplies, mineral exchange and cell regeneration. It should be noted that in most cases it is possible to carry out treatment of periodontosis in house conditions, but at any complications the patient all the same should address the stomatologist as the disease affects all jaw and can lead to serious effects.

Many people confuse periodontosis to a periodontal disease. Actually are absolutely different diseases which differ from each other both in origins, and a clinical picture. The periodontal disease is localized in limited area, and at the diagnosis periodontosis symptoms have generalized character, that is demonstrate impact on all jaw at once. Besides, at periodontosis there are no tooth "pockets" and mobility of teeth is not lost (except for the started cases). Diseases and in terms of the scope of distribution differ. If the periodontal disease comes to light at 80-90% of inhabitants of Earth, then periodontosis occurs much less often – at only 5-10% of the population.

Periodontosis – causes of illness

The reasons of development of dystrophic changes of teeth are up to the end not studied. As a rule, developing of periodontosis is connected with hereditary factors and diseases of internals (atherosclerosis, a peptic ulcer of a stomach, cirrhosis, a diabetes mellitus) which influence the vital systems of an organism. Also the disease can be provoked by circulatory disturbances in teeth and endocrine disturbances.

Periodontosis – disease symptoms

Clinical symptoms of a disease are inexpressive. The disease develops slowly, long time does not cause pain and discomfort. For this reason people see a doctor only when they develop the started periodontosis (treatment of a disease, as a result, also begins at late stages). At early stages the disease can be revealed only at regular inspections at the specialist stomatologist. The following symptoms form the basis for the appeal to clinic:

  • discoloration of gums – at periodontosis they turn pale, but without any visible signs of an inflammation;
  • "lengthening" of tooth, that is gradual exposure of his neck, and then and root;
  • wedge-shaped defects of teeth, enamel erosion, stertost of a surface of tooth and other defeats of not carious type.

The people suffering from diseases of cardiovascular system, endocrine and exchange disturbances therefore visits to the stomatologist for them – are obligatory enter into risk group. Let's notice also that at the diagnosis periodontosis treatment by folk remedies can help only at early stages of a course of a disease. Therefore, at any adverse changes of dental health it is necessary to consult at first with the specialist, and already then to apply national recipes.

As for a clinical picture. In an initial stage patients feel an itch in gingivas and some uncertainty at a food chewing. Other expressed periodontosis symptoms are practically absent. In process of development of inflammatory process jamming of food in intervals between teeth becomes frequent, there is a gradual exposure of necks of teeth and formation of wedge-shaped defects. In the absence of treatment periodontosis enters an active stage that involves early loss of a bed of all teeth. Periodontosis which reasons are connected with various diseases of internals can enter a stabilization stage on condition of elimination of the main disease. In such state it, as a rule, does not progress, but at the patient the resorption of holes of separate teeth caused by complications of inflammatory character all the same can be shown.

Periodontosis – treatment and prevention of a disease

Пластинки для лечения пародонтоза

The technique of treatment is selected, proceeding from features of disease and general condition of a human body. Are recommended to patients:

  • actions for improvement of local blood supply (hydromassage, vacuum massage, darsonvalization);
  • removal of the hardened tooth deposits;
  • reception of vitamin and mineral complexes and drugs of anabolic action (Nerobolum, pentoxyl, metilupatsit);
  • psychotherapy;
  • sanatorium treatment;
  • diet rich with calcium and vitamins.

The treatment of periodontosis begun at early stages has the favorable forecast. In an active form the disease can lead to loss of some teeth and other complications.

Prevention of periodontosis consists in systematic care of teeth, periodic removal of a dental calculus, healthy nutrition and regular surveys at the stomatologist.

Periodontosis – treatment by folk remedies

Once again we will notice that at the diagnosis periodontosis folk remedies can help only with the beginning of a course of a disease. It means that treatment of periodontosis in house conditions is capable of time to remove unpleasant symptoms, but not to remove the cause of their emergence. Thus, national recipes are used as addition to traditional complex treatment of periodontosis, but are not its full replacement in any way. Now we will pass directly to the tested "grandmother's" means:

  • every morning rub in gingivas mix of honey and salt (10 grams of salt on 20 grams of honey);
  • every 4-5 hours rinse a mouth spirit tincture of propolis (20 drops of tincture on a glass of boiled water);
  • rinse a mouth infusion from a plantain or use a fresh grass for rubbing of gums;
  • at the friable and bleeding gingivas tincture from petals of roses can help (thirty drops of medicine on 0.5 glasses of warm boiled water);
  • moisten a cotton plug in fir oil and put it to pruritic gingivas for 10-20 minutes. The procedure is carried out twice a day within 10 days.
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