Main > Drugs> Lady's bedstraw

Lady's bedstraw

Подмаренник настоящийLady's bedstraw – a herbaceous plant the reaching 80 cm in height with small leaves and flowers collected in inflorescences. The lady's bedstraw grows in Asia, Europe. Other widespread names of a grass: madder, сыворотень, yellow squash.

In medicine apply an elevated part of a plant, sometimes roots. Collect a grass during its blossoming for what a plant cut at distance 15 cm from the earth, connect and dry in hover, hiding from the sun.

Useful properties of a lady's bedstraw

Generally the lady's bedstraw is appreciated its diuretic action. Official medicine use of a lady's bedstraw is authorized, but as a part of various grass collecting, but not in pure form. The grass of a lady's bedstraw is used more in traditional medicine: with its help remove the puffiness caused by renal pathologies. The antiinflammatory, knitting, regenerating, styptic property of a grass is also known. It is considered strong antineoplastic means and applied to cancer therapy of language, a breast, a neck of uterus, skin. The lady's bedstraw helps to cure an erosion of a neck of uterus.

Use of a lady's bedstraw

Подмаренник северныйWet compresses with broth of a lady's bedstraw impose on the skin which was injured from a sunblister and on badly healing wounds.

At gastritis, hemorrhoids, bleedings from a nose, plentiful periods, diarrhea, an endometritis apply infusion of a grass of a lady's bedstraw or fresh juice of a plant.

The plant at gout, gripes and gripes in a stomach, intestines helps to kill pain, eliminates a lady's bedstraw and headaches.

At epilepsy and children's convulsions the plant works as an anticonvulsant.

At a neurasthenia, hysteria use infusions and broths of a grass as demulcent.

Infusion of a lady's bedstraw is drunk at fever, pneumonia, quinsy, cold, cough, tuberculosis, jaundice, liver diseases, rheumatism, a scrofula, vomiting, nausea, diseases of a thyroid gland, including at nodes, cysts, a hyperplasia, a craw.

Outwardly broth or infusion can be applied at conjunctivitis, and broth or juice – at eczema. Juice of a lady's bedstraw is accepted and inside – it tones up and strengthens.

At impotence fresh juice is drunk by two or three р / day on 2-3 spoons of dining rooms, mixing it with water.

To prepare infusion take two teaspoons of a grass of a lady's bedstraw, fill in 250 ml of cold water, heat to boiling and two more minutes boil then studit and filter. It is necessary to drink such infusion on 2-3 cups daily.

At atherosclerosis such means helps: two spoons tea the dried-up grass fill in 250 ml of boiled water, draw two or three hours under a cover, filter. Drink means warm 3-4 р / day on 100 ml before food.

For acceptance of bathtubs, lotions at skin diseases, ulcers and wounds, for douches make 4 spoons of dining rooms of a grass with flowers two glasses of boiled water.

For treatment of a scrofula, furuncles, abscesses prepare ointment from a lady's bedstraw: 10 g of the crushed dry flowers pound in a mortar, add 100 g of unsalted fresh butter.

It is possible to powder ulcers also and powder from lady's bedstraw flowers, or to impose 2-3 р / put gruel from fresh flowers.

For syringings and microclysters prepare such infusion: four hours draw one tablespoon of a grass in 500 ml of boiled water. Before procedures infusion is filtered surely.

At stenocardia such infusion on lady's bedstraw roots helps: 20 g of the roots crushed and which are dried up fill in 500 ml of boiled water, 6-8ch insist, filter. Drink tincture on 100 ml two or three р / day.


Because of the expressed diuretic action the lady's bedstraw with care is appointed sick diabetes.

Because of the strong knitting action use of a lady's bedstraw is appointed at an interval of one or two weeks.

It is not recommended to accept to children and pregnant women the means prepared from a lady's bedstraw grass.

As the plant is considered poisonous, it is necessary to adhere to the dosage appointed by the doctor.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.