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Psychomotor excitement

Причины и симптомы психомоторного возбужденияAcute disorders of mentality often are followed by motive frustration. In a condition of excitement of people makes such movements which have a certain character, most often, destructive. Psychomotor excitement requires special attention, and the person who underwent such pathology needs the qualified help of the psychiatrist.

Motive excitement is characteristic of many mental disorders, in other cases is the only display of a disease at all. On duration psychomotor excitement can be a miscellaneous: from several minutes to one week. A lot of things depend on intensity of movements, clinical manifestations of a basic disease. Nevertheless, any condition of excitement develops according to the identical scheme with similar signs:

  • The acute beginning, occasionally, unexpected for people around;
  • The disturbance of the standard behavior model in society which is shown absolutely inadequate movements;
  • Change of mood of the patient, emotionally charged, up to the heat of passion;
  • The aggression in actions of the patient directed to defense, attack, or having the suicide background.

Persons at whom psychomotor excitement develops constitute danger, both for people around, and for own life. Therefore displays of acute psychosis belong to the states demanding rendering immediate medical care.

Psychomotor excitement, types

Depending on a background on which a pathological physical activity develops distinguish the following types of psychomotor excitement:

  • Depressive;
  • Maniacal;
  • Delirious;
  • Epileptic;
  • Psychopathic;
  • Galyutsinatorno-bredovoye;
  • Catatonic;
  • Gebefrennoye;
  • Psychogenic.

Each of the listed states has peculiar features and features.

Psychomotor excitement, types at a depression differ in a suicide orientation. Patients try to commit suicide, without paying attention to reaction of people around.

The condition of a mania is characterized by irrepressible energy. The person undertakes a huge number of affairs, but cannot finish any of them as there is a lot of thoughts in the head. At the same time some of them can have aggressive character. Maniacal psychomotor excitement is followed by verbosity and high spirits.

The delirious excitement characteristic of display of "delirium tremens" is followed by fear and is directed to protection. At the same time surrounding people can seem "helpers" of aggressors, and the patient can be dangerous to close people.

Twilight stupefaction at epilepsy – the most dangerous condition of mental health. Consciousness of the patient completely is absent, and acts bear extremely aggressive character. When twilight psychomotor excitement stops, the patient does not remember anything. He is terrified to deeds, feels remorse, but cannot possess own consciousness.

Psychopathic psychomotor excitement arises as response to quite certain reason and it is directed directly to "offender". At the same time quite intelligent action is noted. The movements of the psychopathic personality are demonstrative, teatralna.

Hallucinatory-dilision frustration is characterized by the movements of "other reality" in which the patient stays. He talks with only him "visible" people, can unexpectedly attack any, the person standing nearby.

Catatonic psychomotor excitement is characterized by the elaborate movements which are not making any sense. However the patient is capable to active resistance in attempts to limit freedom of its movements.

Change of a physical activity at a hebephrenic form of schizophrenia have foolish character. Nevertheless, patients are quite capable to put an injury to themselves and surrounding people.

Psychogenic psychomotor excitement is caused by a certain reason and is characterized by manifestations of panic fear for the life.

Psychomotor excitement, treatment

The patient in a condition of excitement needs the emergency hospitalization in psychiatric department. For this purpose it is necessary to call a specialized ambulance crew. When psychomotor excitement develops, treatment is appointed only by the psychiatrist.

Primary tactics of health workers consists in an immediate immobilization of the patient. Fixing methods are for this purpose used by wide bandages. Law enforcement agencies are obliged to render assistance to doctors in special cases.

When the contact with the patient is possible, the doctor leads an explanatory discussion. Surely say to the patient that his state demands hospitalization and treatment in a specialized hospital.

Как проявляется психомоторное возбуждениеMedicamentous influence is made also in the emergency order. Big or small tranquilizers are used. Achievements of modern pharmacology allow to remove quickly psychomotor excitement and not to allow undesirable effects, both for the patient, and for surrounding people.

Psychomotor excitement at children

In pediatric practice similar frustration meets rather seldom and its emergence first of all is connected with organic lesion of a brain. It can be a consequence of a birth trauma or acute neuroinfection.

At epilepsy psychomotor excitement at children on clinical manifestations proceeds in the same way as at adults. Twilight stupefaction leads to extremely aggressive actions.

The syndrome of "negativism" at teenage age often is one of manifestations of a debut of schizophrenia. Psychopathic disturbances are caused by heredity therefore the dangerous behavior of children is also equated to similar frustration at adults and demands emergency medical service.

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