Main > Diseases> Pink deprive

Pink deprive

Short characteristic of a disease

Розовый лишай - инфекционно-аллергическое заболеваниеPink deprive is an infectious and allergic disease which is followed by emergence of the roundish, shelled spots of pink color (for this reason it, actually, and received the name). Most often the disease affects children and young people in the spring and during the autumn period. Risk "to catch" an infection increases during the overcooling of a body, decrease in immunity and use of personal belongings of the sick person (a hairbrush, a bast, a towel). Pink deprive at children and adults – it is infectious, but he only is, as a rule, given to people with reduced immunity while the healthy, person full of strength can contact to the patient bravely.

Now it is considered to be that pink deprive which treatment is in most cases made in house conditions, has the virus nature and is caused by a kind of viral herpes.

Pink deprive – symptoms and development of a disease

Existence of an infection can be determined at early stages by emergence of a lonely roundish spot of pinkish color, however, in most cases people do not attach it any significance and therefore the disease is found late enough. Within 7-10 days pink deprive at the person extends on a body and leads to a rash of a set of small spots. They concentrate trunks on each side, and also on a back, a breast and hips.

Spots itch and are shelled, without bringing, however, any especially discomfort. In certain cases (quite seldom) pink deprive at children and adults leads to fervescence, increase in lymph nodes, joint pains and a febricula. Edges of spots are free from scales. Because of it they are often compared to medallions. They quickly increase in sizes, but do not merge, have accurately outlined borders. Duration of a disease makes 6-9 weeks.

Pink deprive – treatment by traditional methods and national recipes

Now it is proved that pink deprive does not demand from the person any special treatment as the infection passes by itself. It is not possible to reduce the rash period, as a rule, therefore pink depriving treatment consists in removal of an unpleasant itch and use of a hypoallergenic diet. A citrus, chocolate, eggs, alcohol, red fruit, tea and coffee are excluded from a usual diet. Pink deprive which symptoms are shown rather strongly, it can be treated by means of physiotherapeutic procedures and antihistaminic drugs, but as it was already told above, need for them arises extremely seldom.

To reduce intensity of distribution of spots, it is necessary to refuse for a while washing with soap. Besides, you should not comb and pound the damaged sites of an integument. It is desirable to wear linen from cotton fabric as synthetic and woolen things increase maceration of skin.Антигистаминные препараты - средства для лечения розового лишая

At the made diagnosis pink deprive, treatment by folk remedies is also not need, but herbs and infusions allow to remove an itch and to reduce the speed of spread of an infection. Patients are recommended to grease the damaged sites of skin with peach, sea-buckthorn, hunting or shipovnikovy oil of 6-7 times a day. For internal use infusions or broths of a root of a glycyrrhiza are used.

Pink deprive at the person completely passes approximately in a month after emergence of the first, "maternal" spot. The infection is shown once for all life. A recurrence happens, but very seldom and only at people with the weakened immunity.

Pink deprive at children

Most often emergence of an infection is observed aged from 4 up to 15 years. At children with the podverzhdenny diagnosis pink deprive, symptoms are expressed a little differently, than at adults. Rashes differ in tendency to eczematization and more pronounced exudation. Besides, at children's age existence of vesicular and urtikarny rashes which bring unpleasant feelings is often noted and strongly itch. Pink deprive at children has also one more feature. It is often shown not only on a face, hips or on each side trunks, but also on a pilar part of the head. At the same time separate spots merge in one big center of defeat with the accompanying polyadenitis.

As well as in a case with adults, the infection at children's age does not demand any special treatment and passes by itself. To the child the hypoallergenic diet is appointed and wearing clothes from synthetic or woolen fabrics is forbidden.

Process of washing has to take place without addition in water of any cosmetic additives. It is the best of all to refuse for a while a bathtub and to wash the child under a shower. For removal of an itch ointments, oils or apple cider vinegar are used. The infection does not leave behind any effects, and in general is absolutely harmless. Can give some trouble unless temperature increase, but it shortly also is response of an organism to irritation.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.