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Образование опухоли - типичный симптом саркомы

The name of a disease sarcoma comes from the Greek word "sarcos" which literally designates "meat". Sarcoma combines numerous group of malignant new growths. Distinctive feature of sarcoma is its not epithelial origin. The disease originates from primitive connecting cells – mesoderm derivatives from which as a result of difficult histologic and morphological processes the malignant tumoral education containing cellular elements of sinews, sheaves, bones, vessels, muscles, a meninx and so forth develops.

As a rule, sarcoma meets at rather mature age, most of patients are more senior than twenty five years. Among all forms of tumors sarcoma occupies more than 15 percent of cases of malignant new growths.

Sarcoma reasons

Origins of sarcoma can be connected with oncogenous substances, and also with active ionizing radiation which influence causes rapid growth unusual, uncharacteristic for initial type of fabric, cells called by the specialists low-differentiated or atypical.

Besides, modern scientists established data on pathogenic influence of some viruses and certain chemicals. Today there are unambiguously facts in evidence that, for example, the long contact with such chemical as vinyl chloride, serves as the reason of formation of an angiosarcoma of a liver, and oncogenous viruses promote emergence of special type of malignant tumors – sarcomas of soft tissues.

Types of sarcoma

All existing types of sarcoma (which there are slightly less than hundred nosological, quite independent types today) are subdivided on cellular accessory of a tumor and on its histologic structure.

The large group of diseases, the collectively called sarcoma of bones, combines the following subspecies:

- chondrosarcomas;

- osteosarcomas;

- fibrosarcomas;

- kruglokletochny sarcomas - neurosarcomas, Ewing's sarcomas, a bone lymphosarcoma, etc.

Sarcomas of soft tissues are subdivided into the following kliniko-morphological options:

- angiosarcomas

- synovial sarcomas;

- liposarcomas;

- neurogenic sarcomas;

- myogenetic sarcomas, etc.

Besides in separate group allocate sarcomas of complex cellular structure which because of low degree of differentiation of cells cannot be carried to this or that look unambiguously.

Sarcoma symptoms

Clinical displays and symptoms of sarcoma, and also feature of a course of a disease depend on type of initial cellular fabric and on localization of a new growth. For the vast majority of sarcomas a typical symptom is developing of the tumor which is quickly increasing in sizes.

At bone sarcoma the first symptom of a disease consists in emergence of night ostealgias of an inexplicable etiology. As a rule, the pain syndrome is not stopped by reception of the anesthetizing drugs, eventually pain in the struck department of a bone continues to amplify. Further pathological growth of tumoral fabric begins to occupy surrounding bodies, causing the secondary symptoms of sarcoma corresponding to the place and extent of defeat.

Sarcomas differ also on distribution speed. For example, parostalny sarcomas of a bone progress very slowly. This type of a malignant tumor can exist practically without external manifestations throughout very long time. On the contrary, other types of new growths (for example, a rhabdomyosarcoma) have tendency to active growth and wide circulation a metastasis. Separate types of sarcomas (such as liposarcomas) differ in the multiple nature of primary education that substantially complicates their diagnosing and purpose of timely treatment of sarcoma.

Treatment of sarcoma

Хирургическое иссечение опухоли - один из методов лечения саркомы

Indispensable conditions of successful treatment of sarcoma of any kind – early diagnosis and integrated therapeutic approach.

Until recently only method of treatment of sarcoma was the operational way, i.e. surgical excision of tumoral education. But today for treatment of this serious illness new methods – radiation therapy and modern antineoplastic medicines are effectively used.

The potential forecast in treatment of sarcoma can be done, considering a combination of a set of factors, basic of which – a disease stage. At early diagnosis the majority of types of sarcomas with success will respond to treatment by modern medical methods.

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