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Flax seeds

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 78 rub.

Семена льна

Flax seeds – the vegetable drug possessing softening, the enveloping, bactericidal, antiinflammatory and clearing properties.

Pharmacological action

High performance at treatment of many diseases to seeds of flax is provided by an optimum ratio in their composition of vitamins, fatty acids and other, not less important components.

Seeds of flax contain three types of the polyunsaturated fatty acids representing valuable substances for life activity of a human body. So, in a seed of flax of Omega-3 acid contains more, than in all other edible vegetable oils and fish oil.

On nutrition value of squirrels of a seed of flax does not concede to vegetable proteins of soy. The increased maintenance of a cellulose in this product provides positive influence on immunity and prevents development of oncological diseases.

Use of a seed of flax at stomach ulcer and gastritis is caused by the high content of polysaccharides which provide the bactericidal and enveloping properties of drug.

Lignana, representing "plant hormones", have antiviral and antibacterial effect, and also interfere with development of cancer.

Seeds of flax represent a rich source of vitamin F which is not synthesized in a human body, but at the same time actively participates in cholesteric and a lipometabolism.

The flax seed, responses confirm, is popular cosmetology means which efficiency is caused by the high content of vitamins A and E. Bogat this phytodrug and selenium which takes active part in clarification of an organism from heavy metals, normalization of sight and brain activity, the prevention of development of tumors.

The flax seed, treatment has to be coordinated with the doctor, is a natural product which medicinal properties and high value are proved by results of clinical trials.

Indications to use

Use of a seed of flax is reasonable in the following cases:

  • at cardiovascular diseases: for the prevention of formation of blood clots in a brain, lungs and heart, for decrease in high blood pressure, reduction of risk of developing of microheart attacks, heart attacks, arrhythmia, coronary cordial frustration and other diseases of cardiovascular system;
  • for prevention of oncological diseases;
  • at gastrointestinal diseases: stimulates activity of a digestive tract, normalizes function of a liver, envelops and removes an inflammation at stomach ulcer and gastritis;
  • for weakening of symptoms and treatment of asthma;
  • for protection of an organism against development of a diabetes mellitus;
  • at inflammatory diseases, including urinogenital system, musculoskeletal system;
  • at burns, radiation injuries of skin, frostbites;
  • for reduction of allergic reactions;
  • for normalization of work of kidneys at the hypostases caused by the complicated conclusion of water and sodium from an organism;
  • at stressful situations, depression;
  • for sight improvement;
  • at diseases of a thyroid gland;
  • for increase in a potentiality, simplification of course of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • at tendency to drugs and alcohol;
  • for clarification of an organism from toxins and radionuclides.

Besides, flax seeds are useful to hair and skin.

Flax seeds for weight loss are also actively used that is caused by their ability to quash feeling of hunger, and also to normalize metabolic processes in an organism.

Route of administration

Семена льна очень полезны для волос и кожиThe flax seed, treatment should not have spontaneous and rash character, have to be applied according to the instruction or appointments of the doctor.

To achieve from seeds of flax of laxative and the enveloping effect it is necessary to adhere to the following recipe: 2 tablespoons of seeds should be filled in with 1 glass of the water brought to boiling and to leave for 10 minutes for insisting. The scheme of use – on ½ glasses to food. As responses testify, flax seeds in the form of such infusion are effective at diseases of a digestive tract. Use of this drug as a purgative assumes the simultaneous use of a large amount of liquid.

In the same proportions and according to the same scheme, but only in the ground look, use flax seeds for preparation of the infusion intended for treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Use of a seed of flax is possible also in an integral or ground look. Drug is added to salads, porridges, fermented milk products, pastries or in the ratio 1 to 1 mixed with jam or honey. The recommended daily dose of this phytodrug – from 5 g to 50 g. For obtaining the expected therapeutic effect it is necessary to eat flax seeds within several weeks.

Flax seeds for weight loss can be used in the form of drink, curative broth or kissel. In a thermos put 1 tablespoon of seeds, fill in with 2 glasses of the boiled water, close densely a cover and leave for the night. The turned-out drink is drunk before food on 100 grams by 2-3 times a day.

Flax seeds decoction for weight loss is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of seeds is filled in with 1 glass of the boiling water and held on the water bath within 30 minutes, occasionally accurately stirring slowly. One glass of the turned-out broth is divided into three receptions and used in 30 minutes prior to food.

Use of a seed of flax in the form of kissel is useful not only for health, but also for a figure. In 1 glass of the welded hot kissel, it is desirable without sugar, add one incomplete tablespoon of seeds, stir and leave before swelling. When kissel cools down, it should be mixed once again then it is ready to the use (to food).

Flax seeds apply to hair in the form of oil or special pharmaceutical drugs. For skin it is recommended to use flax seeds in the form of masks and compresses.

Side effects

Flax seeds characterize responses as safe vegetable drug. However in certain cases treatment by a seed of flax can provoke such reactions of an organism as a small tortoiseshell, unstable fever, weakness, an itch, a nose congestion, dacryagogue, nausea, a lowering of arterial pressure.

Undesirable effects of seeds of flax in the form of stomach aches, vomitings, the increased content of sugar in blood, impassability of intestines, changes of a menstrual cycle were in rare instances recorded.


Use of a seed of flax is contraindicated to the persons having an allergy to flax and also at impassability of intestines, ponosa, inflammatory diseases of intestines, a syndrome of the angry intestines, gullet pathologies.

With care it is necessary to apply flax seeds: to pregnant women and the feeding women, and also persons suffering from the raised bleeding, diabetes, diseases of a thyroid gland, asthma, spasms, bipolar disturbances.

Term and storage conditions

Seeds of flax are recommended to be stored in the cool place. The ground or crushed seeds of flax should be used at once as at contact with oxygen they quickly are oxidized and lose the curative properties.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Female health flax seeds обыкн. 180 g, Biokor of closed joint stock company (Penza)

78 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Female beauty seeds of flax 200 of, Biokor of closed joint stock company (Penza)

79 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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