Main > Drugs> Surgam


Surgam – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Pharmacological action

Surgam removes an inflammation and heat, has the anesthetizing effect. Active agent of drug Surgam - thiapro-foehn acid.Сургам в таблетках

Release form

Surgam release in the form of powder for pricks, rectal candles, tablets.

Indications to Surgam's use

Surgam appoint at degenerative, inflammatory diseases of a musculoskeletal system: gouty and pseudorheumatism, Bekhterev's disease.

Effectively Surgam kills pain at a tendovaginitis, a mialgiya, a bursitis, neuralgia, an arthralgia, head, a dentagra, radiculitis, traumatic pains, burns, periods.

There is an experience of successful use of Surgam at infectious diseases, cold – thiapro-foehn acid helps to remove fever.

Surgam route of administration

Adults can accept tablets 2 times a day – on 300 mg; children after 3 years are given 10 mg/kg in 2-3 receptions. Surgam is better to drink tablets during food.

Surgam adults use rectal candles twice a day on 0,3 g, to children appoint on the 1st candle (0,15 g) two or three times a day. Treatment lasts 3-5 days.

At severe pains it is possible to do intramuscular injections of Surgam. At first prick 400 mg, after that – to 200 mg there are each 8 hours within two days and on 200 mg of 4-6 days. After such course of the patient transfer to tablets Surgam.

Side effects of Surgam

Surgam can cause abdominal pains, diarrhea, vomiting, tachycardia, increase in pressure, dizziness, drowsiness, excitement, a headache, a depression, deterioration in hearing, a visual disturbance, cystitis, an acute renal failure, a dysuria, nephrite, a leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, a small tortoiseshell, a skin photosensitivity, a Quincke's disease, a sonitus, bronchospasms, disturbance of work of a liver, the strengthened sweating.Упаковка Сургама

Long use of Surgam in a large number can cause emergence of ulcers on mucous a GIT, hemorrhoidal, gastrointestinal, uterine, gingival bleeding.


Surgam is contraindicated at erosion of a GIT, chronic heart failure, hypostases, hypersensitivity to thiapro-foehn acid, supertension, a renal or liver failure, deterioration in hearing, hypocoagulation, pathology of a vestibular mechanism, hemophilia, deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy, blood diseases, during a lactation, pregnancy.

With caution it is necessary to take Surgam at a hyperbilirubinemia.

At Surgam's appointment of the patient warn about a possibility of decrease in concentration of attention.

It is established that Surgam reduces efficiency of the drugs increasing removal of uric acid, diuretics and such that increase pressure, strengthens action of antiagregant, anticoagulants, fibrinolitik.

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