Main > Drugs> Sustac


Sustac (the international name – Nitroglitserin) concerns to group of vazodilatiruyushchy means with active release of nitrogen oxide in muscles of vessels. Drug has the spasmolytic, weakening and anti-anginal effect.Сустак в упаковке (6,4 мг)

Structure and form of release

The main active ingredient – nitroglycerine of 6,4 mg.

Sustac is issued in a look aerosols for internal use, hypoglossal drops, a concentrate for preparation of solution of infusions, solution for injections of intramuscular introduction and tablets for a rassasyvaniye.

Pharmacological properties of Sustac

Sustac activates guanylate cyclases and leads to relaxation of smooth muscles of cardiac muscles. The main active ingredients of drug remove spasms of smooth muscle fibers of heart, bodies of a GIT, urinary tract and bronchial tubes.

At administration of solution of Sustac peripheral veins extend, the blood stream improves, in this regard loads of heart, pressure upon walls of ventricles decrease and food is normalized by oxygen of lungs.

Sustac promotes the correct distribution of a coronary flow, stabilizes a sympathetic tone of vessels of heart and removes a pain syndrome.

At use of drug there can be headaches and dizziness caused by expansion of brain vessels. At frequent use of medicine tolerance therefore it is necessary to do breaks in reception for 10-20 hours can develop.

At intramuscular administration of solution of Sustac and reception of tablets the medical effect is reached within 10-15 minutes and 3-5 hours last.

Indications to use

Sustac is appointed at the following diseases:

  • stenocardias;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • fluid lungs;
  • spasms of smooth muscles of bodies of a GIT;
  • eye retina artery occlusions;
  • hypotensions at operational interventions.

Drug can be appointed as prophylactic at blood circulation disturbances to interfere with development of cardiovascular diseases.

Application instruction of Sustac

According to the instruction Sustac in the form of tablets it is necessary to accept 2-4 times a day on 1 mg, rassasyvy a tablet in hypoglossal area. At a strong spasm and a bad attack of stenocardia it is possible to accept drug of each 30 minutes before medical effect.

The anti-anginal effect is reached in 2-3 minutes after reception, but in the absence of improvements within 30 minutes it is necessary to call the doctor. Duration of therapeutic effect makes 2-3 hours.

For prevention of stenocardia it is necessary to accept Sustac 2 times a day before food. At an initial stage of stenocardia the daily dose makes 6 mg, and at a heavy stage – 15-20 mg. The maximum daily dose of drug should not exceed 34 mg.

According to the instruction and aerosols appoint Sustac in the form of solution for internal use on 2-3 drops 2 times a day. Duration of medical action makes 2-3 hours.

Sustac in the form of ointment is applied in a small amount on a thorax 2-3 times a day, rubbed by the easy movements before full absorption.


Contraindications to reception of Sustac are hypersensitivity and intolerance of components of drug, intracranial hypertensia, tachycardia, a hemorrhagic stroke, a heavy stage of anemia, glaucoma, a liver and renal failure, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, children's age up to 16 years.Сустак в упаковке (2,6 мг)

With caution drug should be taken at disturbances of a vermicular movement of a GIT, a cardiac tamponade, a pericardis, hypovolemia, hypotonia.

Side effects of Sustac

Sustac can cause the following side effects:

  • from the central nervous system – a headache, dizziness, a collapse, a tremor, a syncope, uneasiness, spasms, confusion of consciousness, a lack of coordination;
  • from cardiovascular system – a sharp lowering of arterial pressure, tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • from system of digestion – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspepsia, dryness in a mouth.

At long reception Sustac can cause allergic reactions – a skin itch, a small tortoiseshell, skin rash, a Quincke's edema, burning, dermatitis, eczema.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.