Main > Diseases> Sapropyra


Short characteristic of a disease

The sapropyra belongs to the category of acute antroponozny diseases. Сыпной тиф - инфекционное заболеваниеIt is characterized by severe intoxication of an organism, feverish states, defeat cardiovascular, nervous and other vital systems of an organism.

The causative agent of an epidemic typhus is Provatsek's rickettsia. It gets into a body of the person through integuments. Initial accumulation of harmful microorganisms happens in lymph nodes, then they come to circulatory system and extend on other bodies. A sapropyra causes the heaviest complications at a disease in activity of a brain, adrenal glands and a myocardium.

Infection epidemiology

The carrier of causative agents of an epidemic typhus is the infected person, and carriers – head and clothes louses who quickly breed in insanitary conditions. For this reason the epidemic sapropyra is also known to us under the name "military fever", the soldiers who often do not have opportunities to be washed suffered from this infection throughout several millennia. The mechanism of transfer of a sapropyra is extremely simple. Louses pass to a body of the new carrier and at a sting inject to it a large number of rickettsiae which then are even more deeply rubbed in skin when combing the pruritic place. Bystry distribution of louses, and a short incubation interval of a disease often lead to epidemics, however, in the territory of the Russian Federation the outbreaks of an infection are not registered already more than half a century. Partly this fact is explained by effective prevention of a sapropyra. Exerts the impact and noticeable improvement of quality of life of simple people.

Symptoms of a sapropyra and clinical picture

The epidemic sapropyra begins sharply. Within several days the body temperature of the patient rises to critical marks. Patients with a sapropyra feel a severe headache, suffer from sleeplessness and constant vomiting. Sometimes they observe the psychoneurological frustration which are shown in a black-out and euphoria. Face skin of the infected people is hyperemic, brightly expressed an injection of vessels of scleras. In the first days after emergence of the first symptoms of a sapropyra in patients heart troubles are noted. The sapropyra leads to the hypotonia expressed to tachycardia, muting of cordial rhythms.

At a palpation of internals increase in a liver and spleen is found in patients with a sapropyra. In certain cases development of a sapropyra is followed by suppression of urinary reflexes. Urine is emitted literally on a drop that brings to the person strong sufferings and worsens his psychological state.

For 5-6 day of a disease on skin of sick people characteristic rash develops. Its most large-scale accumulations are observed on the side surfaces of a trunk and extremities. Heavy disease promotes spread of rashes on a face and a neck, can lead to development of a meningeal syndrome. At adequate treatment the epidemic sapropyra recovers completely in 1-2 weeks after emergence of the first symptoms.

Diagnosis of a sapropyra

Dl of statement of the correct diagnosis of a sapropyra specialists use differential and laboratory methods. In the first case the doctor has to separate typhus symptoms from similar displays of other diseases – flu, pneumonia, measles, syphilis, a meningokovy infection and sepsis. Serologic assays are applied to identification of parasites in blood. It should be noted that positive takes can be received not earlier than in 2 weeks after the beginning of a disease.

Possible complications

As at the diagnosis of a sapropyra symptoms demonstrate damage of heart, lungs and urinogenital system, complications, first of all, are localized in these bodies. The most dangerous of them is an adrenal insufficiency and infectious toxic shock. Besides, development of pneumonia, thromboembolism and thrombophlebitises is possible.

Treatment of a sapropyra

Незаменимые таблетки при лечении сыпного тифа

At any suspicions on an epidemiological sapropyra patients are subject to immediate hospitalization. It appoints a bed rest which remains up to that time until at the patient normal temperature within at least 5-6 days is fixed. Drugs of a tetracycline row and levomycetinum are appointed a sick sapropyra. Along with causal treatment disintoxication therapy by administration of infusion solutions is made.

Prevention of a sapropyra

The main actions of prevention of a sapropyra are directed to registration of cases of a pediculosis, hospitalization of patients with fever of not clear etiology and timely serological inspections. The special attention is deserved by the children's collectives and persons living in hostels. At detection of a typhus patients are subject to isolation with disinfection and disinsection of their personal belongings.

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