Main > Cosmetic procedures> Permanent make-up of eyes

Permanent make-up of eyes

The permanent make-up of eyes represents special technology of putting color for imitation of a cosmetic make-up for eyes. Such technology can be used for concealment of defects and scars on a face, and also eye shape improvements.Татуаж глаз - имитация косметического макияжа

Features of a permanent make-up of eyes

The permanent make-up of eyes in cold season is better to carry out the procedure to avoid sources of infection, active sweating and danger of infection. Before holding a procedure the cosmetologist to administer the lidocaine anesthetizing the drug which removes a pain syndrome and also reduces puffiness and bleeding.

In some salons for a permanent make-up of eyes use special ointment and sprays for removal of an inflammation. If the procedure is carried out in the spring and in the summer, then the permanent make-up demands careful leaving.

The cosmetologist can carry out a permanent make-up of eyes, filling interciliary space, adjusting eye shape and creating imitation of a natural make-up. Fill with a special pigment interciliary space therefore eyelashes become more dense and volume. If necessary it is possible to increase the black line over an eye. For this purpose fill space from the beginning of growth of eyelashes, and for a portrayal of a corner of eyes fill with a pigment borders of growth of hairs or space to an extreme point of a century.

The permanent make-up of eyes has good responses as the adjusting procedure, especially effective at a portrayal of arrows which create an accurate contour over the line of growth of eyelashes, depending on a shape of an eye it is possible to fill interciliary space or to leave it open.

Thanks to a permanent make-up of eyes it is possible to create a long-term effect of an ideal natural make-up without cosmetics.

Methods of drawing permanent make-up of eyes

In cosmetology there are several types of drawing a permanent make-up of eyes, but the most effective is the intradermal method. This way represents correction of color changes of skin which is intended for elimination of pigmentation and hems, giving of a contour to eyes.

The method of dermabrasion is ineffective and heavy for integuments. This method is based on laser or chemical correction of shortcomings of skin with introduction of a special pigment for giving of a contour.Процедура нанесения татуажа глаз

The intradermal permanent make-up of eyes is combined by several technician of drawing a pigment in an epidermis layer. This method can be used for eyebrows and eyes. The permanent make-up of eyes of intradermal type received positive reviews as the safe and effective procedure as a result of which eyebrows become well-groomed and accurate, and eyelashes get volume.

The procedure a permanent make-up of eyes needs to be carried out in sterile conditions with use of specially processed needles to avoid infection with various diseases, including herpes, hepatitis, HIV and syphilis.

Recommendations and contraindications

Serious complications and damages of integuments can be effects of the permanent make-up of eyes which is carried out in the wrong conditions. After holding a procedure and before full healing it is necessary to stop visit of a sunbed, sauna and bath.

Within a month it is necessary to grease skin with antiinflammatory ointments and creams for care of tattoos. A surface with the put permanent make-up it is impossible to rub a bast, to wash with hot water and to process srubs.

At the wrong leaving allergic reactions, skin rashes and inflammations can be effects of a permanent make-up of eyes. At emergence of painful symptoms and signs of an inflammation it is necessary to address the cosmetologist or the attending physician immediately.

The permanent make-up of eyes is contraindicated at a diabetes mellitus, allergic reactions, asthma, oncological diseases, a serious cardiovascular illness, herpes, skin infections, epilepsy, open wounds, a serious chronic illness and disturbances of blood circulation.

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