Main > Medical terms> Aortitis


Aortitis (aortitis; Greek aeiro – to lift + lat. it (словообраз. a suffix) – inflammatory process) – the inflammatory process of walls of an aorta which is shown an aortalgiya, an aortectasia, and at productive inflammatory process in places of an otkhozhdeniye from an aorta of large arteries – symptoms of ischemia of the respective areas.

Allocate the following types of an aortitis:

  • Allergic (allergica) – an aseptic aortitis of autoimmune genesis; it is observed, for example, at collagenoses;
  • Ateroyazvenny (atheroulcerosa) – is caused by infection of atherosclerotic ulcers;
  • Giant-cell (gigantocellularis; synonym: a necrosis of an average cover of an aorta idiopathic) – an aortitis at giant-cell arteritis; it is characterized by development of the centers of a necrosis in an average cover, infiltration its lymphoid, huge and plasmocytes with the subsequent development of calcification (fibrosis) of a wall and formation of aneurism;
  • Purulent (purulenta) – is characterized by development of microaneurysms and education in a wall of an aorta of multiple abscesses at which breaks microvascular embolisms of a big circle of blood circulation are observed;
  • Infectious (infectiosa) – the aortitis of virus or bacterial genesis arising because of a hematogenous drift of contagiums in an aorta wall, or distribution of the inflammatory process caused by them from the next bodies;
  • Rheumatic (rheumatica) – the aortitis at rheumatism proceeding with defeat of an average and internal cover of an aorta; it is characterized by development of focal fibrosis against the background of the current specific inflammation; it is combined, as a rule, with heart diseases;
  • Syphilitic (syphilitica; synonym: Business Geller a disease) – the chronic aortitis at visceral syphilis striking all covers of an aorta starting with outside; it is characterized by a productive inflammation with formation of lymphocytic infiltrates, in certain cases – miliary gummas;
  • Tubercular (tuberculosa) – the chronic aortitis connected with distribution of tubercular process on an aorta wall of the nearby center (it is characterized by development of specific infiltrate), or a hematogenous drift of a tuberculosis infection in an aorta wall from the remote center (it is characterized by development peri-and a mesaortitis);
  • Embolic (embolica) – the aortitis arising against the background of a bacterial vascular embolism of an aortal wall.
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