Hemochorea (hemichorea; Greek hemi-– a floor - unilateral, half + Greek choreia – a round dance, dancing) – the choreic movements made by one half of a body.
Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.
Any of us is not insured from a heavy illness of the loved one. Happens and so that someone from family members becomes lying бо...
Section: Articles about healthEnergy saving lamps are one of the most popular products of innovative technologies, and there is no wonder: they much more economic also are more long-lasting than usual filament lamps. At the same time there are fears that energy saving bulbs can become the reasons...
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person in many respects depends on food. The organism will well function if during food it receive only useful substances, necessary vitamins and microelements. In this case there will be no problems with digestion, with excess weight, and intellectual and physical activity will remain at the high level....
Section: Articles about healthAmong a set of the perfumery and cosmetic goods which are released today the special group is made by the means containing anti-bacterial...
Section: Articles about healthHistory of cultivation of a buckwheat contains more than five thousand years. Grain which is received from this plant is used for preparation of porridges, soups, baked puddings and puddings, do flour which is one of the main ingredients of the noodles popular in of it...
Section: Articles about healthThe stroke is one of the most widespread diseases of the person, annually in the world about 6 million cases of this pathology are registered. According to medical statistics, strokes occur almost three times more often than myocardial infarctions. The disease belongs to heavy, and has an unfavourable result: the lethality reaches 40% among women and 25% among men. A considerable part of the patients who endured a stroke cannot be recovered completely. We suggest readers to examine...
Section: Articles about healthThe trophic ulcer is not an independent disease. This heavy complication arising owing to a thermal injury (a burn...
Section: Articles about healthThe state of health of the person in many respects depends on chemical composition of biological liquids of an organism. Specialists consider that PH value of these solutions has to be in range of 7,35-7, 45. A deviation in the smaller party (so-called "acidulation") to a chra...
Section: Articles about healthIt seems, quite recently you brought the baby from maternity hospital, but time flew by, and here it is already going to join the first in life children's collective. How to prepare the child for visit of a garden? What needs to teach him to facilitate adaptation process? What to tell and how to behave that the kid transferred changes in the life without serious consequences? Let's try to find answers to these questions....
Section: Articles about healthWe present to yours the TOP of the medicamentous means exerting the stimulating impact on a potentiality, i.e. on ability of a muzhcha...
Section: Articles about healthSugar - the digestible refined product which is not of special value for an organism of the modern person. The use of sugar in food is based rather on the psychological dependence caused by desire to indulge itself with something tasty, and in дальнейш...
Section: Articles about healthOlive oil – the product capable to make a powerful contribution to health of the person if it includes it in the diet. The rich vitamin composition of oil does it by a product number one from many diseases including from deadly. Only two tablespoons of oil from olives in day prevent emergence of diseases of vessels and heart, cancer, problems with digestion, presenilation, a depression and many other illnesses which treatment would demand a lot of time and forces. Let's consider on...
Section: Articles about healthFor the person who daily since morning gathers for work it is very important to wake up vigorous and ready by day of work. On most...
Section: Articles about healthAbility of an organism to resist to adverse environmental factors (to impact of temperature drops, humidity and pressure, to the attacks of causative organisms, etc.) directly depends on what the person eats. Business here not only in, that C...
Section: Articles about healthFor the city dweller the fitness is the most convenient sport. It is enough to acquire the subscription to the gym to get access to various apparatuses and an opportunity to train under the leadership of the experienced consultant. Many consider fitness the best way of maintenance of physical shape and receiving dynamic loads which the people occupied preferential with brainwork so need. Nevertheless, representations of most of consumers of similar services about специф...
Section: Articles about healthMushrooms - the surprising inhabitants of our planet having a set of wonderful qualities. Thanks to one of them, a mold mushroom of Penici...
Section: Articles about healthNew year, wedding, birthday, office party – an occasion to drink at the Russian person will always be. How to reduce a negative impact of alcohol by an organism and to avoid a condition of strong intoxication? The most correct council – to refuse the use spirits напитк...
Section: Articles about healthThe winter swimming in open reservoirs called in our country by "winter swimming" – officially recognized sport and one of the most extreme ways of a hardening of an organism. This occupation has an old story and adherents in many countries. The international competitions in winter heats on open water, and every two years – the World Cup are annually held. Despite huge popularity and the proved advantage for health, winter swimming is still surrounded with hardy delusions. Ра...
Section: Articles about healthThere is a lot of fans of beer in our country. Statistically, on each average Russian (including women and children) in...
Section: Articles about healthThe next flu epidemic leads to the next panic, from year to year we give in on these manipulations: professionally alarming voice of the announcer in news, reports with calculation of the died patients, an interview with people in white dressing gowns and advertizing of anti-influenza means ра...
Section: Articles about healthHealthy lifestyle today in fashion, and many parents think of that the child from the early childhood played sports. Trainings will help it to become strong and hardy, will improve coordination of movements, and also will exert positive impact on mentality: it will become more collected and purposeful....
Section: Articles about healthAbout influence of fasting days on an organism it is told much – both about advantages, and about shortcomings. It is considered that fasting day...
Section: Articles about healthAlmost each of us during life faced dissatisfaction with own body. At such moments, as a rule, we begin to shame ourselves, urgently we go on the most rigid diet promising minus of 10 kg in a week, or we exhaust ourselves in the gym to полусм...
Section: Articles about healthAbout 10-15 years ago existence of the computer in the apartment of the Russian was considered as a rarity and office rooms were only at the first stage of equipment by these useful devices. Today practically in each house there is a computer (and often not one), and a regular user is already every our second compatriot. Convenience and efficiency of personal computers are undoubted, but the people working with them daily have to know also about health hazard which they can predstavlit...
Section: Articles about healthTuberculosis – a serious infectious disease which development is caused by mycobacteria (Koch's bacilli). The illness is known from a deep d...
Section: Articles about healthPhobia – the persuasive fear of a certain contents shown in a specific situation against the will of the person. Concepts of a phobia and fear are similar, however if the fear is natural protective function of mentality, then the phobia is its deviation. So the person can an ispytyva...
Section: Articles about healthAll of us, unfortunately, should face flu nearly an every year. It would seem, so frequent disease has to be studied already up and down, and each person, at least once to them had (and the number of such people in our country aims at 100%), has to know the basic rules of its treatment. However as shows experience of doctors, there is no it, and often people, self-confidently thinking what is known as it is necessary to be treated, make mistakes....
Section: Articles about health