Gemilaringektomiya (hemilaryngectomia; Greek hemi-– a floor - unilateral, half + Greek larynx, laryngos – a throat + ektome – removal, excision) – surgery on removal of one half of a throat.
Each person has not only unique fingerprints, but also language.
All like to sing. Small children with pleasure are engaged in a vocal, not especially thinking of hit in a melody. Adults most often...
Section: Articles about healthHemorrhoids – extremely widespread disease. Periodically arising inflammations and bleeding of hemorrhoidal nodes cause serious discomfort to nearly fifteen percent of adults. Meanwhile, having a clear idea of the aggravation reasons...
Section: Articles about healthAll of us, unfortunately, should face flu nearly an every year. It would seem, so frequent disease has to be studied already up and down, and each person, at least once to them had (and the number of such people in our country aims at 100%), has to know the basic rules of its treatment. However as shows experience of doctors, there is no it, and often people, self-confidently thinking what is known as it is necessary to be treated, make mistakes....
Section: Articles about healthThe endocrine system carries out in a human body extremely important role, practically all processes of life activity регулируютс...
Section: Articles about healthVitamin complexes belong to the most popular drugs, probably, in our country there is no person who was not hearing about advantage of vitamins and never their accepting. The more vitamins, the better, we consider and as it appeared, cruelly we are mistaken. So l...
Section: Articles about healthReactive pancreatitis - the disease which is characterized by inflammatory process in a pancreas which arises most often because of excess activity of digestive enzymes. It − the emergency state which treatment has to take place in surgical department under control of doctors. The acute inflammation of gland can become the reason of its transition to a chronic form, and also development is purulent - necrotic pancreatitis which the extensive necrosis of fabrics can follow. Zabolev...
Section: Articles about healthProofs of efficiency of Mildronate at treatment of coronary heart disease with stenocardia can be found in many publications to...
Section: Articles about healthThe problem of diagnosis was and remains to one of the most important in medicine. From that, the reason of an indisposition of the patient will be how precisely defined, eventually success of treatment depends. In spite of the fact that the majority of the diagnostic methods applied in about...
Section: Articles about healthThe pancreas performs two functions in a human body: release of enzymes without which digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and a producing hormones is impossible. The most important of them - insulin, is the main participant of carbohydrate metabolism normalizing processes of education and utilization of glucose, the main energy source for an organism....
Section: Articles about healthSmack in a mouth can arise in the natural way – as a result of lack of morning hygiene or reception of the corresponding food. Odn...
Section: Articles about healthThe metabolism at each person proceeds in own way. However between the speed of this process and disposal of excess weight after all all have a dependence. Unfortunately, the people inclined to try on itself numerous "miracle" diets, not always at...
Section: Articles about healthTransfusion of donor blood has almost century history. In spite of the fact that this procedure is quite usual for many people, process of blood donation is still surrounded with numerous myths. Today we aimed to discredit the most widespread of them....
Section: Articles about healthAmong a set of the perfumery and cosmetic goods which are released today the special group is made by the means containing anti-bacterial...
Section: Articles about healthHistory of use of an anesthesia during operations contains more than 160 years. Annually in the world hundreds of thousands of surgical interventions during which to patients the substances immersing them in a dream and saving from pain are entered are carried out. Using an anesthesia to these...
Section: Articles about healthAll got used long ago that, having addressed the plastic surgeon, it is possible to modify natural parameters of a figure or to minimize the damages put to appearance with ruthless time. Many people (preferential women) worldwide annually decide on operations such. However there are also much more exotic interventions which are carried out seldom so far and cost expensive very much. We bring the story about the most unusual of them to your attention....
Section: Articles about healthAbout 10-15 years ago existence of the computer in the apartment of the Russian was considered as a rarity and office rooms were only on перв...
Section: Articles about healthOsteoporosis this general disease which main sign is decrease in density of a bone tissue. On distribution width it takes the fourth place among noninfectious diseases. The illness develops at mature age more often: in our country to them harvest seasons...
Section: Articles about healthThe medicine promptly develops, and the fact that else quite recently it seemed by miracle can now. We are not surprised any more to the fact that people with artificial joints and extremities can play sports, organ transplantation became a routine, and the latest cancer medicine allowed to achieve reduction of mortality in tens of times. Miracles of plastic surgery thanks to which people in 60 years are in the flower of beauty and freshness, too not a sensation any more....
Section: Articles about healthEyes – unique body on the structure thanks to which the person obtains about 80% of information on the world around: about a form...
Section: Articles about healthLife of the modern woman is very difficult. Opportunities to realize itself are wide: it not only education and career, but also the most various hobbies from sport before needlework. It is not less important to build private life, paying an attention maximum to children, the husband, parents, e...
Section: Articles about healthHousehold skills which to us so diligently imparted in the childhood it appears, not always bring only benefit. According to results of the last researches, some habits which for a long time were considered useful and even necessary can become the reason of serious indispositions. Here only seven the most widespread of them....
Section: Articles about healthLife does not indulge the modern woman special emotional comfort and carelessness. Fatigue, troubles at work, misunderstanding...
Section: Articles about healthAt this plant there are a lot of names: tuberiferous sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke, solar root, earth pear. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an exotic plant at all. The wild girasol grows in a midland of Russia practically everywhere: at the edges of roads...
Section: Articles about healthFor residents of the countries of Southeast Asia various algas are an obligatory component of a daily diet. Their popularity is connected not only with high tastes, but also with numerous curative properties. Russians are a little familiar with products such that is distressing: algas are so useful that they should be eaten as often as possible. Let's get acquainted closer with useful properties of this seafood....
Section: Articles about healthThe phenomenon of improvement of a condition of the patients at administration of drugs who are not containing active agents, so-called effect of placebo is known...
Section: Articles about healthMany parents of children at the age of 2-4 years face excessively whimsical behavior of the child. The kid exhausts constant crying and whims not only the parents, but also himself. In what the reasons of children's whims. And how to fight with them?...
Section: SlideshowTuberculosis – a serious infectious disease which development is caused by mycobacteria (Koch's bacilli). The illness is known from an extreme antiquity. Long time fight against it was considered as ineffective. Quite often the disease affected the whole families, and mortality from it was very high. It became the reason of emergence of a set of delusions concerning transmissibility and a possibility of treatment of tuberculosis....
Section: Articles about health