The varicosity belongs to the most often found vascular pathology.
According to some information, a disease in this or that form more than 10% of the population have, more women are subject to it. The varicosity can meet at any age, even in children's. A determinal factor in development of a disease is genetic predisposition.
Genetically caused imperfection of connecting fabric including that which makes vessels is the main reason for a varicosity. Genetic predisposition means that if relatives of the first line suffer any of forms of a varicosity, then the person gets into risk group on this disease.
The special conditions created by a way of life of the patient are also necessary for development of varicosity. These factors cause usual stagnation of blood in a lower body, by creation of a static load.
The varicosity standing often arises at people whose work is connected with long standing: hairdressers, sellers in shop, the operating surgeons.
The varicosity of a basin can be provoked by pregnancy as the increased uterus can cause long squeezing of veins of a pelvic bottom. Also the varicosity of a basin happens at the people leading a slow-moving sedentary life.
Wearing close clothes and footwear, habit to sit also belongs to the factors breaking blood circulation and causing a varicosity standing, having thrown a leg on a leg. The practiced incomplete sexual intercourse as a contraception method can become the reason of development of a varicosity of a basin.
Symptoms of a varicosity standing following:
Symptoms of a varicosity of a basin at women are not specific, and remind symptoms of an inflammatory disease of a female genital tract in view of what diagnostic mistakes are often made.
The main symptoms of a varicosity of a basin are:
Special case of display of a varicosity of a basin are hemorrhoids with all to it inherent signs.
Symptoms of a varicosity of a small egg at men often do not pay attention to themselves at all, and are found accidentally at medical examination. As a rule, it is the characteristic worm-shaped drawing of the increased veniplex on the one hand the scrotums pulling unilateral pains in this area, appearing later loadings.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms of a varicosity, data of external survey, and also results of hardware methods of a research. In this quality ultrasonic doppler sonography and an ultrasonic duplex angioskanirovaniye are most informative.
In case of difficulty of diagnosis of a varicosity of a basin at women the chrezmatochny flebografiya can be used.
Apply special functional trials to confirmation of the diagnosis of a varicosity of a small egg (for example, Valsava's test).
Treatment of a varicosity depends on the location of pathology, and can be conservative or surgical. The combination of several of them is most often applied.
As conservative treatment of a varicosity standing apply medicamentous and compression therapy. Use of medicines has no independent value, but allows to facilitate symptoms of a varicosity standing: to eliminate feeling of weight, fatigue and a pain syndrome.
Compression therapy consists in wearing medical compression jersey which makes the squeezing and massing impact on superficial veins, promoting elimination of venous stagnation. Compression therapy is highly effective, and can be considered as an independent method of treatment of a varicosity standing at an early stage of development or in the postoperative period. Now medical compression jersey is created from hi-tech materials and does not cause any problems at long carrying including esthetic character.
The most radical method of treatment of a varicosity of all types is surgical intervention. Now phlebologists give preference to low-invasive technicians: to a sklerozirovaniye of varicose veins, laser surgery, endoscopic phlebectomy, microsurgical phlebectomy. These techniques allow to achieve excellent results at the minimum risk of operating rooms and post-operational complications. Also classical surgical treatment of a varicosity at which the damaged site of a vein ties and excised is applied. The blood stream in this case goes to a bypass.
It is necessary to understand that modern treatment of a varicosity, at all its achievements, does not remove the main cause of illness – weakness of a vascular wall. Therefore the carried-out treatment demands lifelong prevention of a recurrence of a disease, and whenever possible full elimination of the factors promoting development of a varicosity. Only such approach will allow to speak about full treatment of a disease.
Folk remedies at a varicosity are applied quite widely and actively, but their efficiency is, as a rule, insignificant. Use of folk remedies at a varicosity is justified as the symptomatic therapy allowing to reduce the unpleasant feelings caused by a disease and its complications. As a rule, for this purpose use the broths and ointments on the basis of medicinal plants possessing antiinflammatory and antibacterial action.
Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.
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