Main> the Grown nail

The grown nail

The disease, at Вросший ноготь может поразить любую ногтевую пластинкуwhich growing into a side edge of the nail roller is observed (the site of skin around a nail), of a nail plate, is called onikhokriptozy (the grown nail, an onychogryphosis). The grown nail can strike any nail plate, but is more often than it favourite localization there are thumbs of feet.

The grown nail on a leg is rather serious problem for any person who faced this pathology. In process of growing of a nail into thickness of soft tissues it damages them that leads to formation of sores and growth of fabrics, so-called growth of "wild meat". When walking there is rather strong pain, and the nail plate becomes faded, reinforced and gradually begins to crack.

Origins of the grown nail on a leg

  • Genetic predisposition. Developing of this disease is more often observed at people whose close relatives also suffer from it.
  • Incorrectly picked up footwear. According to reviews, the grown nail most often occurs at the people preferring to wear tight and close shoes. It leads to squeezing of fingers, and as a result of it the nail plate begins to grow incorrectly.
  • The grown nail on a leg quite often results from an injury.
  • Can lead a fungal infection of a nail plate to development of the grown nail.
  • The most frequent reason leading to emergence of the grown nail is the wrong cutting of nails on fingers of feet.

The grown nail: treatment

If at you growing of a nail into soft tissues only begins, then a disease it is possible to treat in house conditions by conservative methods:

1. Accurately cut a nail strictly in a straight line. Never cut off it too shortly since it only strengthens growing. File slightly nail corners a nail file that they irritated fabrics of the nail roller less.

2. For reduction of expressiveness of inflammatory process and the related puffiness do foot warm salt trays. After the termination of a hydrotherapeutic procedure carefully blot the damaged place and oil it the tea tree having excellent disinfecting properties. Then very carefully raise a nail plate and insert under it a small wadded flagellum (turunda). These procedures should be performed daily for two weeks.

3. If Во время операции вросший ноготь иссекаютyou have a nail plate very rigid, and you cannot palm off under it a wadded turunda, then for its softening it is possible to use a compress with the butter or a leaf of an aloe imposed for days.

4. For treatment of the grown nail it is possible to use various antibacterial ointments (Vishnevsky's linimentum, Levomikol, etc.). They well eliminate an inflammation, reduce pain and prevent the excess growth of granulations ("wild meat").

5. According to reviews, the grown nail it is the best of all to treat conservatively so: once a month cut a nail file or a file nail thickness from its basis and to a tip (previously the nail needs to be steamed out) on the average line. It is necessary to cut approximately to a half of its thickness. Through several procedures the nail plate becomes rather transparent, and even begins to appear through a nail bed it. The cut nail begins to grow together, being pulled together from the edges to the middle therefore over time completely ceases to grow into fabrics of the nail roller.

The grown nail: operation

Unfortunately, conservative measures of treatment of the grown nail not always lead to achievement of lasting positive effect. In these cases for disposal of patients of discomfort and inconveniences doctors recommend surgical treatment – removal of the grown nail. Similar operations make in out-patient conditions and under local anesthesia. After them a disease recurrence is practically not observed provided that you will wear correctly picked up shoes.

During operation the grown nail, and is more right its edge exsect. In addition, the surgeon excises also the site of a root of a nail and a nail bed on the necessary width guaranteeing absence in the subsequent a disease recurrence.

In some situations it is possible to make careful removal of the small site of the nail roller that allows to keep a usual shape of a nail.

In recent years removal of the grown nail even more often make by means of laser technology. Similar operations are easier undergone by patients and give low interest of postoperative complications.

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