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Charging for weight loss

Зарядка для похудения сжигает лишний жирTo get rid of excess weight, it is necessary not only to show consideration for a food allowance, but also to burn excess calories, without allowing them to be postponed in the form of fatty tissue. The regular exercise stress loses weight, strengthens muscles and does body contours by more harmonious.

The basic rules of charging for weight loss

Exercise stresses to which muscles when performing charging for weight loss are exposed, usually small. Their intensity of course cannot be compared to sports loadings or achievements, charging purpose for weight loss – to spend excess of energy, having increased a metabolic cost of an organism by the movement.

For effective decrease in excess weight it is important to give loading for an organism constantly, for example, to enter into a day regimen morning exercises for weight loss. Though it is not obligatory to date physical exercises for a certain time of day at all. Charging for weight loss will be equally effective irrespective of, morning it or evening. But here meal from it is better to delay a temporary interval not less than 1,5 hours.

To make significant progress and to lose excess weight, exercises for weight loss should be done daily.

The morning exercises for weight loss join a usual complex of physical exercises, but time of their performance is slightly more, and breaks between exercises are absent. Only such intensive speed will yield visible result. It is necessary to repeat each exercise not less than 10 times.

For charging it is worth thinking of a set of exercises in advance, having made the program. To aim to do all exercises from the program every day not necessarily, it is possible to divide them, for example, charging for weight loss of a stomach in one day, for muscles of a back and hands – in the second, charging for weight loss of legs – in the third, etc.

Structure of charging for weight loss

In a complex of physical exercises for weight reduction it is possible to allocate three stages:

  • Warm-up (there is a warming up of muscles);
  • Main part of exercises;
  • Relaxation exercises.

It is desirable to do all exercises from the program of weight loss within a week at least once. In half an hour after loading it is possible to eat a little, and optimum to delay the main meal for 2 hours after charging for weight loss.

Approximate exercises for weight loss

For warm-up usually select the movements involving as much as possible different groups of muscles. It is worth beginning it with steps and running on the spot, jumps, moves and roundabouts with hands, inclinations in different directions. All movements are carried out at speed and is dynamic.

Charging for weight loss of legs first of all means load of muscles of hips. For this purpose alternate attacks by legs with a direct back, moves legs and a drift of legs to the opposite side approach. It is good to give load of muscles of buttocks also. For this purpose in a dorsal decubitus and with the legs bent in knees it is necessary to tear off a basin from a floor and to lower it again.

Strengthening of a muscular framework of hips and calves does legs more harmonious and beautiful. Occupations with use a step platform well are suitable for reduction of fatty deposits on the internal surface of hips. As a platform in house conditions it is possible to use a usual box or a box.

Charging for weight loss of a stomach has to include a complex on prelum abdominale muscles. Most often this lifting of an upper half of a trunk of a dorsal decubitus. As the option is possible raising of direct legs and the pelvic end from a dorsal decubitus to 45 degrees.

It is necessary to repeat exercises on prelum abdominale loading in charging for weight loss of a stomach not less than 10 minutes to give sufficient loading to muscles. It is recommended to include also occupations with a hoop.

Well squeezing helps to lose weight. Beginning easier to begin to be wrung out from a wall, and already then to pass to classical squeezing from a floor. As charging course for weight loss it is possible to recommend бодифлекс.

Зарядка для похудения включает в себя комплекс упражнений, направленный на сжигание калорийIt is useful for weight loss to include the following exercises in the main complex of charging:

  • In a dorsal decubitus to extend legs, at the same time to pull socks on itself, and then to repeat the same exercise with the toes which are moved apart in the parties;
  • Lying on spin, to press the extended legs to a floor, and then to relax them, having a little bent in knees;
  • In a dorsal decubitus to do the sliding exercises of a stupnyama to itself and from itself, trying to take toes a laying;
  • Sitting on a floor with the straightened legs and having taken a foot or an ankle a hand, to try to raise a leg and to lower it, to repeat the same also for other leg;
  • Standing directly with the crossed legs, to extend forward hands and to incline the case forward, to be late a little in an inclination and to return slowly to former situation;
  • Being kneeling, to raise hands up and to cross them, to sit down alternately on one hip, on another, transferring the center of gravity here and there.
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