Application instruction:
Zhenale – the antigestagenny drug used for an emergency contraception.
Zhenale is let out in the form of tablets: biconvex, round, light yellow with a greenish shade (in blister strip packagings on 1 piece, on 1 or 2 packagings in a cardboard pack; in orange glass jars on 1 or 2 pieces, after 1 bank in a cardboard pack).
Is a part of 1 tablet:
Zhenale is appointed for the emergency (post-coital) contraception within 72 hours after sexual intercourse without the previous use of contraceptive methods or drugs, and also in case of their unsuccessful use, including slipping or a rupture of condom, unsuccessful interruption of sexual intercourse, a mistake during use of a calendar method.
Breastfeeding after Zhenale's use needs to be interrupted for 2 weeks.
Zhenale is accepted inside with observance of a two-hour interval with meal, regardless of a phase of a menstrual cycle.
Single dose – 1 tablet. Drug needs to be accepted in the next 72 hours after the unprotected sexual intercourse.
During Zhenale's use there can be following side effects:
Does not protect from sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS of Zhenale.
To use drug as planned, continuous contraception after each sexual intercourse and/or monthly it is not recommended.
Before the termination of the current menstrual cycle after Zhenale's use sexual intercourses without use of contraceptive drugs are not recommended. At further sexual intercourses it is necessary to apply a barrier method of contraception.
10 mg of mifepristone (1 dose) are not enough to cause abortion therefore before further use of drug it is necessary to make the highly sensitive test for pregnancy guaranteeing that Zhenale is applied only in the absence of pregnancy.
If, despite Zhenale's reception, there occurred pregnancy, it is recommended to interrupt it with a surgical or medicamentous method as completely it is impossible to exclude risk of development of pathologies of a fruit.
For 8-12 days after Zhenale's reception it is necessary to avoid use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
To store in protected from light, the place, dry, unavailable to children, at a temperature up to 25 °C.
Period of validity – 3 years.
In operating time our brain spends the amount of energy equal to the 10 Watts bulb. So the image of a bulb over the head at the time of emergence of an interesting thought is not so far from the truth.
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