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14 week of pregnancy

On the 14th week of pregnancy the age of a fruit makes 12 weeks, there is the fourth lunar month of development. Future child continues to grow intensively. On the 14th week the first trimester of pregnancy comes to an end.На 14 неделе беременности у плода можно зафиксировать бессознательную улыбку

Changes of a fruit

The fruit size on the 14th week of pregnancy makes about 8,5 cm, and the weight of 30 - 40 g. Outward changes too – it becomes similar to the little man. The usual place is taken by ears and eyes, the chin is made out, the neck is more clearly visible, head hair are replaced with more dense to the touch.

Reserves of fatty tissue are not postponed in hypodermic cellulose therefore by sight the fruit seems thin and exhausted. His skin is covered with vellus hair (lanugo) and dense whitish lubricant. Thanks to tangoreceptors in skin the fruit feels the uterus walls surrounding it, the hands and legs, an umbilical cord. Continuous stimulation of these receptors stimulates development of a brain in the pre-natal period.

On the 14th week of pregnancy a fruit respiratory organs prepares for work. The main respiratory muscle – a diaphragm trains in reductions, lungs form liquid which fills respiratory tracts so far. Mimic muscles are already rather developed, and now the look at a fruit happens not only negative, it is possible to record the first unconscious smile.

On intestines bile begins to move ahead. From 14th week of pregnancy it is possible to listen to heartbeat of a fruit through mother's stomach, do it using a special obstetric stethoscope in the form of a tubule.

In 14 weeks of pregnancy on a cover of erythrocytes (red blood cells) of a fruit the special antigens which are responsible for group accessory of blood are formed. These are so-called rezusny and AVO-antigens. In general cellular composition of blood of a fruit still non-constant.

Changes in mother's organism on the 14th week of pregnancy

In 14 weeks of pregnancy the woman connects feelings with the state consciously. The stomach on the 14th week of pregnancy is rounded, together with the grown stout breast it changes the body center of gravity, displacing it. Not the last role is played also by the hormonal shifts in an organism promoting a softening of joint sheaves, especially it concerns hip joints and a pubic joint. A peculiar "pride" gait of pregnant women begins to form, sometimes it still call "duck".

Becomes 14 weeks more notable pregnancies and an increase in weight. The significant contribution to it is made by the growing uterus and the increasing amount of amniotic waters.

The body of the womb can be probed through a front abdominal wall of the woman, it towers over a pubic joint on 10 – 12 cm. Since this period on reception the obstetrician-gynecologist will check compliance of growth of the sizes of a uterus (in centimeters over a bosom) to duration of gestation (in weeks).

Allocations on the 14th week of pregnancy which can be from a vagina, rather plentiful, whitish or transparent. It is a sign of a course of healthy pregnancy.На 14 неделе беременности уже можно прослушать сердцебиение ребенка

Abortion is possible on any term, the expressed exercise or emotional stresses, infectious or somatopathies of mother can provoke it. Pains on the 14th week of pregnancy in a stomach or in a waist as a sign of threat of interruption have skhvatkoobrazny character.

Inspection on the 14th week of pregnancy

At complaints of the pregnant woman to strong weakness, drowsiness, pallor of her skin on the 14th week during the next survey the doctor can appoint the general blood test for an anemia exception. Decrease in level of hemoglobin on such term can be revealed for the first time. For correction of anemia most often use iron preparations for intake and folic acid.

Ultrasonography on the 14th week of pregnancy in a planned order is not carried out. But need for control happens with risk factors or threat of interruption. Ultrasonic radiation is harmless to a fruit, but nevertheless you should not abuse it.

Time in 2 weeks the pregnant woman continues to make the general test of urine. Adverse symptoms are detection in it of protein, erythrocytes, leukocytes or bacteria.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.