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19 week of pregnancy

On duration of gestation of 19 weeks to future kid 17 weeks from the moment of conception are executed, there is the fifth lunar month of its development.19 неделя беременности - период, когда большинство женщин впервые чувствуют шевеления плода

Changes of a fruit

The fruit on the 19th week of pregnancy about 15,5 cm long (the size is measured from a tailbone to a darkness) and weighs to 250 g.

Intensive rates on the 19th week of pregnancy the central nervous system of future child develops, nervous cells of substance of a brain take the constant place, and coordination of movements becomes more exact.

At a fruit on the 19th week of pregnancy the bronchial tree continues to branch, there are smaller bronchial tubes. But lungs all the same do not function – future kid receives oxygen through a placenta so far.

Skin of a fruit is covered with a soft down on all surface, except for palms and feet, the hypodermic layer of fatty tissue becomes more. Because of it blood vessels appear through through skin less, and it looks not such bright red any more.

Pleated skin the product of work of sebaceous glands – first-born (syrovidny) lubricant accumulates. After the birth of the kid it protects skin from drying, from loss of excess amount of moisture and pathogenic bacteriums (it has bactericidal properties).

At this particular time rudiments of second (radical) teeth begin to be put, they are located deeply in a bone, under rudiments of milk teeth. For these purposes the organism of a fruit needs very many salts of calcium and phosphorus. Digestive glands begin to function, in intestines the meconium painted by bile accumulates.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 19th week of pregnancy

All organism of the woman gets ready for childbirth. For simplification of passing of a fruit on patrimonial ways to this term of already mute hip joints therefore the woman can complain of pains on the 19th week of pregnancy in a back, especially in its lumbar department relax. Doctors for simplification of pains on the 19th week of pregnancy recommend to wear shoes on a low heel, not to be long in one pose and to watch a bearing.

The maximum increase of weight on the 19th week of pregnancy should not exceed 6,3 kg, more precisely it is defined with use of calculations of an index of body weight.

From 19th week of pregnancy the woman can feel shortage of air. Such state is provoked by the growing uterus which presses from below. The stomach on the 19th week of pregnancy already considerably acts forward, the uterus is defined on 19 cm above a bosom.

From other unpleasant feelings of the woman it is possible to note perspiration inflows, increase of cordial reductions, allocation on the 19th week of pregnancy from a breast of drops of colostrum.

Significantly in comparison with the first weeks of pregnancy the volume of the blood circulating on vessels increased. And here blood pressure can go down in this regard a little that is one of the reasons of increased fatigue and weakness.Вес плода на 19 неделе беременности - до 250 грамм

On the 19th week of pregnancy spasms in gastrocnemius muscles, feeling as if "cramps" legs can disturb the woman. Most often it happens at night. Doctors have several points of view on an origin of spasms. According to one of versions, the growing uterus squeezes nerves which sensitive branches innervate legs in an abdominal cavity. Also shortage to an organism of the pregnant woman of salts of calcium and magnesium which in large numbers pass from mother to a fruit can become the reason.

On this term some primapara women for the first time can feel stirs of a fruit, and those who have childbirth not the first feel points and blows from within for several weeks. The active movements of a fruit in 19 weeks of pregnancy on ultrasonography are well visible.

Inspection on the 19th week of pregnancy

Because of change of volume of blood and the growing requirements of a fruit at the woman anemia can develop in 19 weeks of pregnancy. Its signs are the increased pallor of skin and mucous membranes, dark circles under eyes, breakdown. For an anemia exception the doctor in this time usually recommends to repeat the general blood test.

In 19 weeks of pregnancy on ultrasonography it is possible to define precisely, the boy or the girl are in a cavity of the uterus.

The general analysis of urine normal should not contain cells (leukocytes, erythrocytes), bacteria, sugar and protein.

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