Continuous metabolism between a human body and the environment – a basis of vital processes. Our organism consumes oxygen, foodstuff and water from the environment.
Food of the person is the basic biological need of an organism for resuming and creation of fabrics, their growth, development and normal functioning. Regular receipt of food provides a continuity of exchange processes, a normality of health and working capacity.
Character of food of the person and structure of food gradually changed. It is connected with changes of geographical and climatic conditions, production development, expansion of types of agricultural activity and other factors. The modern diet of the population forms depending on national peculiarities, customs, traditions and level of cultural and economic development of the state.
Food stuffs of the person:
Normal life activity requires existence in a diet of a combination of the products providing an organism with enough proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, microelements. Improper feeding in human life can reduce protective forces of an organism and provoke development of a number of diseases, and finally lead to a lethal outcome.
Global problem of the present – obesity, as a result of excess food of the person, in a complex with decrease in physical activity.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) obesity, in connection with wide circulation (especially in the countries with the advanced level of a civilization), represents epidemic menacing to mass health of mankind. The population of Earth of 7 billion people, from them, according to WHO data, excess weight is present almost at 400 million, these are about 6% of total quantity. But in the advanced countries this indicator much above, for example, in the USA it reaches 75%.
Owing to obesity the risk of development considerably increases:
Let's consider communication of diabetes and obesity. Disturbance of work of insulin at the level of peripheral fatty and muscular tissue arises owing to obesity and diabetes 2 types equally. Existence of excess weight at insulin resistance of a diabetes mellitus 2 types of hereditary character can provoke display of a disease and complicate its current further.
As a result of scientific research it was proved that at decrease in everything by 1 kg of body weight at obesity and diabetes 2 types, life expectancy on average for 3-4 months increases and the risk of development of diabetes decreases by 3-5%.
To avoid the problems caused by obesity and to keep weight normal, food of the person has to be rational, i.e. physiologically full, taking into account age, sex, character of exercise stresses and the state of health. Considering globality and relevance of questions of a balanced diet of the person, the set of theories and techniques of the solution of this task is developed.
Ecological food of the person consists in the use of biologically pure products which are grown up in nature without use:
The special quality standards of bioproducts which ready samples pass test on 250-400 points, from absence in products of heavy metals and pesticides before definition of tastes and outward are established.
More than 80% of the harmful substances coming to an organism, the person receives with food, these are from 3 to 9 kg in year of nitrates, preservatives, pesticides, food dyes, flavoring additives, carcinogens. Development of oncological diseases, heart troubles and circulatory system, accumulation of excess weight and many other things can be a consequence of such loading to a diet.
Organic products, basis of ecological food of the person, contain 50-60% more antioxidants, than products of traditional technology of cultivation. Content of vitamins and minerals in them is 10-15% more. At the same time carcinogens and various harmful chemicals such products practically do not contain.
Ecological food of the person allows to save and strengthen health, to increase immunity and improves quality of life in general.
The famous neurosurgeon, the famous long-liver who lived up to 96 years, keeping active lifestyle, Galina Shatalova, for a long time, generally on the personal experience, developed a technique of curative specific food.
The diet basis by a technique of curative food of Shatalova is made by vegetables, fruit, cereals and nuts. Meat, fish, dairy products, tonics as not specific, have to be excluded from a food allowance of the person. Concerning a diet the technique of food of Shatalova is similar to strict vegetarianism or system of macrobiotic food. Essential distinctive feature – the minimum consumption of food stuffs. Galina Shatalova was sure, and on own experience proved that the food volume necessary for active life activity actually is 10 times less used now by the ordinary person. By its calculations the real standard of daily need for nutrients makes – 10 g of proteins, 5 g of fats and 150 g of carbohydrates. According to institute of food the person needs 100 g of protein, 80 g of fat and 450 g of carbohydrates.
The technique of curative food of Shatalova is developed for the maximum reduction of loading which is received by the person, eating food. In this load of Shatalov saw a basis of all problems of a human body, including psychological. The main rule of a technique of Shatalova – at qualitatively simple and easy food, its minimum quantity.
The technique is disputable, has many both supporters, and opponents. But it is difficult not to consider the fact that aged in 90 years Shatalova showed an amazing extension and flexibility of a body, stretching out and becoming on the bridge, had a shower bath daily ice water and was engaged in medical starvation, at the same time remaining socially active.
It is difficult to revaluate value of food in human life. The condition of an organism directly depends on the choice of food stuffs in a daily diet. All products have a certain pharmacological activity, and the state of health, mood, energy existence, and in a net result, quality of life depends on correctness of their choice.
Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.
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