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Milk for weight loss

Milk for weight loss as a valuable source of proteins and calcium is used in many kinds of diets.Калорийность домашнего молока с жирностью 3,2% - 58 ккал на 100 г

In what advantage of milk for weight loss?

Milk – valuable nutritious animal product. It contains about 30 various mineral salts, 20 vitamins, 25 fatty acids, 22 kinds of amino acids. Such rich structure allows to recommend milk for weight loss, the caloric content of this product low.

The weight reduction mechanism when using milk for weight loss is connected, mainly, with influence on calcic exchange. As a part of this product a lot of active calcium in the form of various salts contains. Calcium ions influence amount of the hormone of the calcitriol capable produced in an organism not only to regulate mineral exchange, but also to interfere with education in an organism of an excess adiposity.

According to reviews milk for weight loss well sates an organism and quashes feeling of hunger. Load of the alimentary system at the milk use insignificant, and calorie content in it low therefore milk is ideal for weight loss simply.

Caloric content of different types of milk

Structure and caloric content of milk – size non-constant, they can slightly differ depending on that, cow's this or goat milk, house or store, dry or concentrated.

First of all the caloric content of milk depends on its fat content – that is on percentage of fats as a part of a product.

On average fat content of cow's milk fluctuates from 3,6 to 4,2%. Various factors exert impact on it:

  • Season;
  • Breed of animals;
  • Kind of forages, etc.

If on packaging with milk bigger value of fat content is specified, then, most likely, vegetable or animal fats are added to milk by an artificial way. At the normalized milk there is cream as additive.

Caloric content of house milk with fat content of 3,2% makes 58 kcal on 100 g of drink, and 3,5% – 61 kcal on 100 g. If the content of fats makes 2,5%, then the caloric content of house milk will make 52 kcal.

Caloric content of goat milk as well as sheep, slightly higher. On structure it is brought most closer to human. Figures of caloric content of goat milk approach 68 kcal on 100 g.

Powdered milk is the concentrated product. It is received by drying of previously condensed milk therefore the caloric content of powdered milk is higher, than at usual milk. If to speak about specific figures, then the caloric content of powdered milk in the fat-free option makes 373 kcal on 100 g of powder, whole powdered milk – 549 kcal on 100 g of powder. But also powdered milk, according to reviews, is suitable for weight loss if to drink it or to add to food divorced, but not to use this high-calorific product in a dry form.Калорийность сухого молока (обезжиренного) - 373 ккал на 100 г порошка

Caloric content of baked milk differs from that whole milk. In the course of remelting a part of liquid evaporates, and the product becomes more concentrated and fat. Caloric content of baked milk on 100 g makes 84 kcal.

Diet with milk for weight loss

For normalization of weight in day it is recommended to use 2 – 3 glasses of whole milk. Milk normalizes a metabolism and prevents emergence of excess weight.

There is an opinion that in adulthood milk is worse acquired and that children can only include it in food. It is proved by insufficiency of enzyme of lactase which digests milk sugar. Actually it is necessary to increase just gradually milk consumption volumes, and then the fermental system of intestines gradually adapts to this product.

The person can have an individual intolerance of milk which is shown by allergic signs, and also disturbances in work of the alimentary system. In these cases it is impossible to use milk for weight loss.

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