a href="/javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zdorovoe_pitanie/skolko-nuzhno-pit-chtoby-pohudet-1.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zdorovoe_pitanie/skolko-nuzhno-pit-chtoby-pohudet-1.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zdorovoe_pitanie/skolko-nuzhno-pit-chtoby-pohudet-1.jpg" rel="lytebox">They say that to lose weight, it is necessary to drink water. This statement is fair, at least, for three reasons: water does not contain calories, it supports water-salt balance and, at last, it neutralizes feeling of false hunger. How to use water in fight against excess weight and how many it is necessary to drink to lose weight?
Many of us do not think how many it is necessary to drink to lose weight, on the contrary, we look for rather that it to eat to lose weight. It appears, for a human body the difference between hunger and thirst is so small that it reacts to a lack of liquid increase in appetite. Moreover, with age ability to distinguish these two feelings decreases. And when you consider that it is time to go on a diet, to drink water – here what actually your organism needs.
The matter is that the centers of hunger and thirst in a brain are located nearby. Water for our body is a source of hydroelectric energy in cellular membranes against the background of which there takes place sodium and potassium exchange. When water is in deficit, cells "are retrained" to rely on the energy received from food which was received by means of water earlier. This way leads to active use of proteins and carbohydrates, and also to accumulation of fats. The organism for obtaining energy equally needs both food, and water. Therefore the body can equally react to both signals.
How to distinguish hunger and thirst? Nutritionists recommend to drink a glass of water at emergence of feeling of easy hunger. If under hunger thirst masked, then in 20 minutes after water reception the unpleasant feeling will pass therefore to lose weight, it is necessary to drink water. If at you still sucks in the pit of the stomach, so the body really needs food. There is nothing terrible in reception of water before food. On the contrary, water will prepare a gullet for reception of products and will reduce the raged appetite. Therefore it is considered the best diet – to drink water.
Normal blood contains 94% of water, and in cells the content of water reaches 75%. This difference creates conditions for penetration of water in cells. But the main balance of intracellular and extracellular liquid is regulated by means of potassium ions and sodium. Scientists call this phenomenon a potassium sodium pompe. Sodium promotes deduction of water in an organism, and potassium, on the contrary, removes water. While this trio (potassium, sodium and water) is in balance, weight keeps within natural norm. Once you break brittle balance, and we have water exhaustion or hypostases and a set of weight.
To understand how many it is necessary to drink to lose weight, it is worth understanding – water is necessary for normal maintenance of potassium-sodium balance. Normal excess of water is easily removed through kidneys, lungs, sweat glands. The liquid delay in an organism happens because of disturbance of balance generally thanks to food stuffs. For example, sausages, cheeses, smoked products, salty fish and many other products contain many table salt or, speaking chemistry language, sodium chloride. The use of these products provokes a liquid delay at the cellular level. Potassium contains in dried apricots, haricot, a laminaria, peas, prunes, raisin, almonds, potatoes and in many other products which use promotes removal of excesses of liquid from an organism.
The aspiration to products of the increased energy value is put at us in genes. It is the survival mechanism debugged in the millennia. But now, when the way of life and caloric content of food changed, the habit to satisfy thirst with energetically valuable drinks became one of the reasons of mass obesity. Knowing the caloric content of favourite drinks, it is not difficult to consider how many calories we drink, thirsting:
Figures which we give correspond to the caloric content of 100 grams of a product. But as the usual cup or a glass contain not less than 200 ml of liquid, for assessment of actual scale of a problem, the provided figures need to be multiplied by two and more. And only the pure use in unlimited number does not bear in itself risk of obesity.
Whether there is "a water diet"? Yes, but unlike the majority of power supply systems, she does not demand restrictions in food. Everything that is necessary - it is to use water in enough. How many it is necessary to drink waters in day to lose weight? Let's begin with the fact that daily requirement at each person is individual – we need about 30-40 ml of liquid on each kilogram of weight. For example, weighing 60 kg 1,8-2,4 l of water, and weighing 90 kg – 2,7-3,6 l of water daily are required. This requirement can be filled not only with liquid, but also with food. Practically all firm food for 50-60% consists of water. So, in meat this figure reaches 58-67%, in fish – about 70%, in porridges – about 80% and even bread for 50% consists of water. As a rule, with food about 40% of daily need of an organism for water arrive, we "catch up" with the rest drinks. Knowing it, it is possible to define easily for itself how many it is necessary to drink waters in day to lose weight – at normal food and weight in 60 kg it is necessary to drink in addition to food not less than 1 liter of water daily, and during a heat it is even more.
These figures are fair only for healthy people. At diseases of kidneys and hearts usually reduce liquid volume. And at the excess weight the nutritionist, on the contrary, can recommend to increase the volume of drinking water by 500 ml.
To decide how many it is necessary to drink to lose weight, it is necessary to consider also compatibility of the consumed liquid with meals. If to drink water of room temperature on an empty stomach, then it will strengthen metabolic processes and will promote weight loss. Water can be accepted in 20 minutes prior to food or in wide intervals between meals. The main thing – not to be fond of attempts to replace with water a full-fledged lunch. Cold water slows down digestion process therefore after a nourishing lunch it is possible to drink only warm liquid.
a href="/javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zdorovoe_pitanie/skolko-nuzhno-pit-chtoby-pohudet-2.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zdorovoe_pitanie/skolko-nuzhno-pit-chtoby-pohudet-2.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zdorovoe_pitanie/skolko-nuzhno-pit-chtoby-pohudet-2.jpg" rel="lytebox">Defining for itself how many it is necessary to drink to lose weight, it is worth remembering that the feeling of thirst always comes with small delay when the organism already suffers from dehydration. To support optimum balance of water in an organism, get a habit to drink 1-2 glasses of water right after awakening.
Water regulates body temperature, clears an organism, delivers nutritious elements to cells, moistens skin, does flexible joints and helps to strengthen muscles, regulates digestion and promotes maintenance of normal weight. And if you already defined how many it is necessary to drink to lose weight, make pure regular reception daily practice. Always you hold near at hand capacity with water - let she "will lodge" on your desktop, in a bag, in the car. And then you will be able always to support ideal balance of liquid for healthy and active life.
At regular visit of a sunbed the chance to develop a carcinoma cutaneum increases by 60%.
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