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Индивидуализация - процесс становления личностиThe thesis that each person is unique is not disputed. But nevertheless, as the species, a human body is identical. Emergence of insignificant anomalies, type of doubling of internals or their absence, is connected with disturbances of an embryogenesis, and cannot be specific feature. The concept of individualization of psychology means a combination of temperament, character, lifestyle, behavior in society.

The originality of the personality, originality of a psychological portrait of the person is carefully studied throughout all time of existence.

One of sciences trying to explain individualization phenomenon is the physiognomics. It determines natural inclinations of the person by his physical characteristics. Since antique times people tried to define those features which indicate dissimilarity of human reactions in the standard or specially modulated situations. It was necessary to predict behavior of people.

In the first decades of the XX century it was created differential psychology which main objective was a studying of individualization as to inevitable reality which each psychologist should face. Development of characteristic features of the personality cultures, ethnos, a profession, age and other social factors depend on society. Individualization is caused genetically, but under certain conditions the person can "be self-controlled", trying not to violate rules and standards of behavior.

Concept of individualization

The psychological structure of the person assumes certain features which and are called "lines of the personality". Specialists psychologists deal with problems of individualization in two directions:

  • Allocation of characterologic features of the personality;
  • Definition of types of the personality.

Individual distinctions are defined by degree of their expressiveness. The people having similar lines combine on certain signs. Types of the personality in many respects depend on the constitution of the person. Individualization within one type is shown not so brightly, as in relation to all mankind. According to the constitutional typology, the constitution defines not only tendency to certain diseases, but influences individualization of the person. The author of work "A structure of a body and character", Krechmer, investigated more than two hundred patients and described the following couples of constitution and temperament:

  • Asthenic – shizotimny;
  • Athletic – iskotimny;
  • Dysplastic – tsiklotimny;
  • Piknitichesky.

High growth and brittle constitution, for example, is characteristic of asthenic type. Temperament is shizotimny. People are closed, unsociable, serious, constrained, timid.

Iskotimny temperament viscous, difficult switching, getting stuck on the same emotion. At persons of an athletic constitution individualization is expressed in tendency to emotional flashes, predisposition to epilepsy.

Cyclotymic – most often, hypomaniacal. The person of a piknitichesky constitution can have phlegmatic character also.

Typological characteristics practically exclude individualization phenomenon because people are judged on their constitution. Whereas the cheerful piknitichesky type can be the author of the known tragic works, the astenik instead of trying to hide in a shadow, becomes the brave soldier.

Individualization of the personality

Properties of human mentality are shown under certain conditions. In interaction with the world around there is individualization of the personality to manifestations of unique distinctions. Objective assessment of actions of the person is under construction of those acts which he makes. The course of life is commensurated in biographic dates, sign incidents. At the same time each person has own point of view on these or those events. The concept of individualization is considered by psychologists as multichamber category. Acts of the person are shown as steady type of behavior. So identity becomes the instrument of self-development of the person.

Everyone has own character, is allocated with certain abilities. The aspiration to self-updating is put in the personality and is important motive power of individualization of the person. The personality aims at management of own character, overcomes the arising difficulties on the way to self-improvement. The course of life of the person is defined by process of self-realization and depends not only on external conditions, but also on assessment of an individual of the developed circumstances.

Социализация и индивидуализация - суть и отличияThe attitude towards itself plays a feedback role, but should not become end in itself. High self-esteem, as a rule, conducts to the deadlock.

Individualization of the personality results in harmony between outside and inner world, develops it to such an extent to compensate world around shortcomings.

Socialization and individualization

Accessory factor of harmonious development is socialization of the person. The child will never be able to develop as the personality out of society. Two concepts of psychology, socialization and individualization are so interconnected that loss of one of them results in lameness.

Socialization is a development of the person, acquisition of labor skills, values, traditions which are transferred from one generation to the following. It is the mechanism of development of the person.

Both processes, socialization and individualization, supplement each other and allow the person to adapt in society. Self-realization is impossible without aspiration to self-updating – aspirations of the person to spiritual growth.

The modern pedagogical directions consider the phenomena of individualization of the person in this connection individual approach to training is defined. Considering features of the pupil, the teacher receives the best results in the activity.

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