Application instruction:
Adrenaline gidrokhlorid-Vial – drug of group of cardiotonic neglikozidny means. Possesses hyper glycemic, broncholitic, vasoconstrictive and antiallergic action.
Adrenaline gidrokhlorid-Vial comes to drugstores in the form of solution in ampoules which can use for greasing of integuments, to enter intramusculary, subcutaneously or intravenously.
Active active ingredient of drug is Epinephrinum which content in solution makes 1 mg on 1 ml.
Packaging contains 5 ampoules of dark glass, of 1 ml everyone.
Adrenaline gidrokhlorid-Vial it is recommended for use in the following cases:
Adrenaline use gidrokhlorid-Viala according to the instruction is not recommended at administration of narcotic drugs of Ftorotanum, cyclopropane, chloroform. In combination with these medicines Epinephrinum can provoke severe arrhythmia.
It is forbidden to appoint Epinephrinum at a hypertension, any forms of aneurism, a diabetes mellitus.
Absolute contraindications are atherosclerosis, glaucoma, a thyrotoxicosis. Drug do not appoint to pregnant women and nursing.
In combination with oxytocin or antihistamines strengthens organism intoxication.
Several routes of administration of drug are known. Outwardly it is possible to use a tampon or the bandage moistened in solution for a bleeding stop.
Use of drug as drops for eyes practices.
If necessary do subcutaneous injections, is more rare intramuscular or intravenous, in this case solution should be entered very slowly.
According to the instruction to Adrenalin gidrokhlorid-Vialu, medicine is not allowed to be entered in volume of more than five milliliters a day for the adult. One-time introduction of Epinephrinum should not exceed 1 mg (1 ampoules). If improvements of a condition of the person to which the drug is administered, it is not observed, then it is possible to use the similar stimulating drugs, only with less expressed toxic effect (for example, theophylline).
The drug dose for children is selected depending on age and a condition of the patient.
Adrenaline use gidrokhlorid-Viala can provoke negative reactions from systems of an organism:
Besides, Adrenaline reception gidrokhlorid-Viala can cause such reactions as: the increased sweating, a hypopotassemia, burning or pain in the place of an intramuscular injection.
Infusions are recommended to be carried out to the central vein, incessantly controlling injection speed.
During therapy by Epinephrinum it is necessary to control concentration of K+ in blood serum, and also indicators of the ABP, the IOC, a diuresis, an ECG, pulmonary pressure, the central venous pressure.
It is recommended to cancel a medicine gradually as the sharp termination of its use is capable to cause hypertensia.
The drugs close on the mechanism of impact on an organism relating to the same pharmacological subgroup: Gutron, Noadrenalin, Butiroksan, Dobutamin, Dopmin, Dofamin, Phenylephine hydrochloride, etc.
Medicines with identical active ingredient: Adrenaline (solution for injections), Adrenalin (solution for topical administration), Adrenalina hydrotartrate (solution for injections).
Adrenaline gidrokhlorid-Vial it is necessary to store at a temperature which is not exceeding 15 ºC in the place where sunshine do not get.
The period of validity makes 2 years.
Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.
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