Main > Drugs> The acorus is marsh

The acorus is marsh

Корень аира болотного

The acorus marsh well influences digestion and reduces gas generation in intestines. Besides, the plant renders antiinflammatory, spasmolytic, cholagogue, diuretic, disinfecting, expectorant and vasodilating action.

Chemical composition

Rhizomes and leaves of a plant contain essential oil which main component is азарон - derivative a fenilpropana. Besides, the following substances are a part of an acorus:

  • Bitter glycoside acorin;
  • Glucoside люценион;
  • Bitterness акоретин;
  • Alkaloid calamine;
  • Tannins;
  • Pitches;
  • Starch;
  • Sincaline;
  • Vitamins;
  • Iodine.

Useful properties

Broth from a root of an acorus removes intestinal gripes, helps at diarrhea, stomach diseases, poisonings, heartburn. Also it is applied to improvement of function of a liver, bile removal. Broth it is possible to rinse a mouth and a throat for treatment of inflammations in an oral cavity, elimination of a bad smell and a dentagra.

Infusion from leaves or a root of a plant is recommended to be drunk at diseases of a liver, bile-excreting channels, a gall bladder. It is effective as febrifugal and an expectorant at asthma, bronchitis, a pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia. Besides, infusion on leaves and roots is drunk for pressure decrease, it helps at heartbeat. Use of an acorus marsh in the form of infusion is shown also at disturbances of a menstrual cycle and inflammations of a female genital tract.

The crushed plant root is in pure form accepted for improvement of sexual function, removal of spasms, by treatments of a neurasthenia, hysteria, mental disorders. Powder from a root can be poured on diapyetic wounds and ulcers for healing acceleration as one of medicinal properties of an acorus marsh – ability to have the expressed antiseptic action.

The juice which is wrung out from fresh leaves helps at eye diseases: amotio and inflammation of a retina, deterioration in visual acuity. Juice is dug in in eyes, previously having diluted with water.

Indications to use

In traditional and traditional medicine the acorus is applied at the following diseases:

  • Chronic gastritis;
  • Chronic cholecystitis;
  • Dyskinesia of biliary tract;
  • Dispepsichesky disorders of various genesis;
  • Anorexia;
  • Diseases of gums;
  • Tonsillitis;
  • Joint rheumatism.


Use of an acorus marsh is contraindicated during pregnancy, at high acidity of a secret of a stomach, bleedings from a nose, acute inflammations in kidneys, exacerbations of ulcers of a GIT.

Drugs from a plant can lower pressure that should be considered to hypotensives.

In big dosages can cause vomiting.

House drugs from an acorus marsh

Curative properties of an acorus marsh are widely applied in traditional medicine. The plant is used in the form of tinctures and broths from leaves and roots, inside and outwardly.

For preparation of broth of 3 tablespoons of the crushed root fill in 500 ml of boiled water and cook 30 minutes. It is necessary to accept it on 100 ml 4 times a day.

Broth for acceptance of a bathtub is prepared as follows: 300 g of roots and leaves fill in 5 l of water, boil 5 minutes then insist within an hour.

For preparation of infusion on leaves of an acorus of marsh 1 tablespoon of raw materials fill in 200 ml of the boiling water and insist within 30 min. Accept means on 1 tablespoon 3 times a day to food.

Plant tincture on alcohol prepares as follows: 1 tablespoons of roots fill in with a glass of vodka and insist not less than 7 days. Accept till 10-15 drops after food, mixing with water.

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