Application instruction:
Akridilol – α1-адреноблокатор, β1-and β2-адреноблокатор with organoprotektorny and anti-proliferative action.
Dosage form – tablets: from white till white-creamy color, the easy mramornost of a color of a surface is possible; 6,25 mg: ploskotsilindrichesky, with risky and a facet; 12,5 mg: square with the rounded corners, convex from two parties, with an engraving of "AL1" on one party and a crosswise notch on another; 25 mg: oval, convex from two parties, with an engraving of "AL2" on one party and a partial notch on both parties (on 10 pieces in blisters, in a pack cardboard 3 blisters).
Contains in 1 tablet:
Akridilol it is necessary to accept inside, regardless of meals, washing down with enough liquid.
The recommended dosing mode if there are no other appointments:
The highest recommended doses: for patients with the heavy chronic heart failure (CHF), and also for patients from easy and moderate HSN and with a body weight less than 85 kg – on 25 mg 2 times a day; for patients from easy and moderate HSN, but with body weight more than 85 mg – on 50 mg 2 times a day.
Patients who receive diuretics, cardiac glycosides or inhibitors of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) need to correct their doses prior to Akridilol's reception.
Increase in a dose of a karvedilol has to be carried out with care. The day before the doctor examines the patient to reveal possible increase of symptoms of a vazodilatation or HSN. In case of a delay in an organism of liquid or increase of symptoms of HSN it is necessary to reduce a dose of diuretics, the dose decline of Akridilol or his temporary cancellation can sometimes be required.
Vazodilatation symptoms usually manage to be eliminated thanks to reduction of a dose of diuretic. If signs remain, it is necessary to lower an APF inhibitor dose (if the patient accepts it), and then, if necessary – Akridilol's dose. In these cases it is not necessary to increase a dose of a karvedilol until expressiveness of symptoms of arterial hypotension or HSN decreases.
In case of need to interrupt treatment more than for 1 week, it is necessary to resume administration of drug from a smaller dose, gradually increasing it according to the recommendations described above. If therapy was interrupted more than for 2 weeks, it is necessary to resume reception from a dose of 3,125 g 2 times a day, gradually raising a dose, adhering to the main recommendations.
The undesirable reactions noted at patients with chronic heart failure:
Undesirable reactions which arose at patients with arterial hypertension and an ischemic heart disease:
At HSN Akridilol it is necessary to use with care in a combination with cardiac glycosides as perhaps excessive delay of atrioventricular conductivity.
With extra care patients need to select a dose of drug with the accompanying renal failures.
Patients with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who do not receive inhalation or peroral antiasthmatic means Akridilol can appoint only in those cases if advantages of its use exceed possible risks. And at each increase in a dose patients have to be in an initiation of treatment under careful observation. In case of initial signs of a bronchospasm it is necessary to lower a dose of a karvedilol.
At patients with a diabetes mellitus drug can weaken and even to mask hypoglycemia symptoms, especially tachycardia. At patients with a diabetes mellitus and HSN disturbance of glycemic control is possible.
Akridilol, as well as other β-adrenoblockers, can reduce expressiveness of symptoms of a thyrotoxicosis.
Extra care should be observed when carrying out surgical intervention under the general anesthesia as summation of negative effects of a karvedilol and means of the general anesthesia is possible. The patient shall warn the anesthesiologist about the previous therapy by Akridilol.
In case of an urezheniye of heart rate less than 55 beats per minute it is necessary to lower a drug dose.
At patients who along with Akridilol receive blockers of slow calcium channels (for example, diltiazem or verapamil) or other antiarrhytmic means, it is necessary to monitorirovat the electrocardiogram and arterial pressure periodically.
Prior to drug use by the patient with a pheochromocytoma it is necessary to appoint α-adrenoblocker..........
Patients who use contact lenses need to remember that medicine can promote reduction of amount of the lacrimal liquid.
Akridilol it is not necessary to cancel sharply. Therapy needs to be stopped gradually, reducing a dose once a week, especially to patients with an ischemic heart disease.
During treatment it is forbidden to take alcohol, it is necessary to be careful when driving and performing potentially dangerous works demanding the increased speed of response and high concentration of attention.
To store at a temperature not above 25 °C in the dry and protected from light place unavailable to children.
Period of validity – 3 years.
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