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Analysis calla

Анализа кала в лабораторных условияхThe research of fecal masses is conducted for detection of diseases of the digestive system: a stomach, a liver, a pancreas, inflammations in a GIT, disturbances of process of nutritive absorption in thin, a duodenum.

After detection of diseases and purpose of treatment, the analysis a calla is done repeatedly for assessment of efficiency of therapy.

Investigating kcal, pay attention to such indicators:

  • consistence – has to be kcal issued and dense. Liquid the kcal indicates enteritis, colitis; mazevidny – on lack of bile, disturbance of work of a pancreas; kashitseobrazny – on colitis with diarrhea, enteritis chronic, dyspepsia fermentative; foamy – on colitis fermentative; sheep – the colitis which is followed by a lock; tape-like the kcal happens at hemorrhoidal nodes, tumors of a direct or sigmoid gut, a sphincter spasm;
  • color – kcal has to be brown color since in it there is a stercobilin. If color the calla black, indicates it existence of bleedings in a GIT; brown light kcal - on the accelerated evacuation of fecal masses from a rectum; yellow – on dyspepsia fermentative, bad digestion of food in a small bowel; reddish – on colitis with ulcers; light yellow or gray – on insufficiency of a pancreas; white – on stagnation of a bilious channel;
  • the smell – it causes availability in Calais of decomposition products. The putrefactive smell speaks about ulcer colitis, insufficiency of digestion in a stomach; weak – about a lock, insufficiency of digestion in a large intestine; the smell of rancid oil indicates problems with intake of bile, disturbance of allocation of a secret by a pancreas; acid a smell at a calla can be fermentative at dyspepsia;
  • рН reaction the calla has to be alkalescent or neutral;
  • bilirubin, soluble protein, neutral fats, fatty acids, the cellulose digested of starch, leukocytes, erythrocytes, crystals should not be;
  • muscle fibers and salts of fatty acids should not be at all, but their insignificant quantity is allowed.

Preparation for the analysis

For a research it is not suitable kcal after the carried-out cleansing enemas, uses of rectal candles, laxative drugs.

In Calais collected for the analysis there should not be an urine, disinfectants.

In two days prior to the analysis the patient needs to stop drug intake, influencing the GIT function, Pilocarpinum, Tinctura Belladonnae, and also those that contain iron, dyes, barium, bismuth.

Except the general research carry often out the analysis a calla on dysbacteriosis, the analysis a calla on worms and on blood.

The analysis a calla on worms

Most often take this analysis a calla from children - at their registration in recreational and educational institutions, in the preventive purposes during professional survey of school students and children in kindergartens. Most often lack of personal hygiene becomes the reason of helminthosis. It is considered that it is one of diseases of "dirty hands" therefore the analysis a calla at children on helminthosis needs to be carried out regularly.

Besides, children and adults are inspected before hospitalization, in the presence of the symptoms accompanying infection with worms.

Special preparation before delivery of the analysis a calla on worms the kcal is not required to be carried out, collect and hand over, being guided by the standard rules. Normal eggs of worms should not be in Calais.

The analysis a calla on dysbacteriosis

For studying of intestinal microflora check kcal for dysbacteriosis. Doing the analysis, estimate maintenance and a ratio of harmless bacteria: lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, opportunistic pathogenic bacteriums: mushrooms, clostridiums, enterobakteriya, stafilokokk, colibacillus and pathogenic bacteriums – salmonellas, shigellas, etc.

Анализ кала на дисбактериозIs normal of the last two groups of microorganisms has to be less than bacteria from the first group.

Recommend to carry out the analysis a calla on dysbacteriosis at an unstable chair – frequent locks and diarrhea, at a meteorism, discomfort and abdominal pains, frequent skin rashes, intolerance of a number of products, intestinal infections, at prolonged use of hormones and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Carry out also such analysis a calla at the children the newborn who are in risk group, the teenagers having frequent respiratory infections, an allergy.

The analysis a calla on blood

The research is appointed if there is a suspicion on existence of bleedings in a GIT – for identification of blood which at microscopic examination it is not visible.

The occult blood in the analysis a calla is defined at odontorrhagias, veins of a stomach, a gullet, intestines, at an inflammation and ulcers in intestines and a stomach, hemorrhagic diathesis, a polypose mucous intestines.

Except usual preparation, for carrying out the analysis a calla on blood, the patient needs to adhere to a special diet - to exclude in 3 days prior to the analysis fish, a liver, apples, spinach, meat, green onions, green vegetables, paprika, horse-radish, beet, white beans, tomatoes, garnets, bilberry, to cancel the drugs containing iron. It is more preferable to use milk, white loaf with oil, porridges, potatoes purees, the light-boiled eggs, a small amount of fresh fruit. Because of a possibility of injury of gums it is not recommended for two days to the analysis to brush teeth.

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