Main > Diseases> Rage


Short characteristic of a disease

Человек заболевший бешенствомThe rhabdovirus gets into a human body after stings sick wild or domestic animals. Infection occurs at carrier saliva hit on the damaged integuments or mucous membranes. The incubation interval of a rhabdovirus makes from 2 weeks to 2 months. In certain cases this term increases up to one year. At communication with the sick person it is necessary to observe elementary care as after infection its saliva also contains a rhabdovirus.

Danger is constituted by stings (multiple and deep), and also any injuries of a neck, hands, the heads and faces. Moreover, in direct contact with the carrier the rhabdovirus can get into blood even through small fresh scratches, open wounds, attritions, mucous membranes of eyes and an oral cavity. At stings in the head and a face the risk of hit of a virus makes 90%, injuries of hands – 63%, legs – 23%. However, these statistical data have no value for ordinary people. Remember that any sting should be regarded as a potential source of a deadly disease. At the same time it is absolutely unimportant who exactly bit you, having caught rage, the loveliest doggie can turn into spiteful, uncontrollable creation.

Rage – disease symptoms

After hit in a human body the rhabdovirus begins to breed quickly. During this process symptoms of rage pass through 3 pronounced phases:

  • prodromal – the first symptoms of rage in places of stings appear: itch, pain, swelling and reddening of a hem. Besides, the person begins to feel a febricula, a headache, shortage of air. It lifts temperature, and problems with a food proglatyvaniye appear. Emergence of the symptoms testimonial of frustration of TsNS (nightmares, sleeplessness, baseless scare) is possible;
  • entsefalitny – the period of excitement comes 2-3 days later after emergence of the first symptoms. Development of cricks of the muscles of a body which are provoked the most different factors (noise, bright light, a dead air) is characteristic of this phase. Patients become aggressive. They shout, tear on themselves clothes, break furniture and other home decoration. Between attacks emergence of auditory and visual hallucinations, incoherent nonsense is possible. In such condition of people it is very dangerous as abnormal "mad" force is found in it. Along with above-mentioned symptoms, rage at the person leads to the expressed tachycardia, the increased perspiration and excessively strong salivation. A characteristic sign is also foam from a mouth;
  • the final phase – a rhabdovirus causes paralyzes of extremities and defeat of cranial nerves, but psychomotor excitement weakens. The patient becomes quieter, can eat and drink independently, suffers from spasms and spasms less. But it is only visibility of normalization of a state because in 10-20 hours of people will inevitably die of a cardiac standstill or paralysis of a respiratory center. Death comes suddenly, without agony.

It should be noted one major fact especially: rage which symptoms demonstrate approach of the third phase does not leave to the victim of any chance of life. Do not forget that the rhabdovirus – is deadly, and in the absence of treatment it from 100% probability will lead to a lethal outcome. For this reason it is necessary to see a doctor not when there are first symptoms of rage, and right after stings and other injuries connected with attacks of animals. Especially important it against the background of the fact that in certain cases at patients the so-called silent rage which does not have the expressed excitement symptoms develops. At such development of symptoms of rage of people does not feel special changes of the general state and considers that everything was. The inaccuracy of inaction becomes only clear after the first paralyzes when it is already impossible to save the patient's life.

How rage at the person is treated?

Вакцина, приготовленная на основе аттенуированного штамма вируса бешенстваOnce again we will notice that any sting of an animal should be considered how a potential source of infection with a rhabdovirus. Respectively, the victim needs to see a doctor and to receive medical treatment. Antiviral rage inoculations become in emergency stations. In our country drug KOKAB is for this purpose used. The vaccine is entered intramusculary for the 0, 3, 7, 14, 30 and 90 day after a sting. If the injury was caused accidentally, for example, during the game with well familiar pet, the course of treatment can be stopped in 10-15 days at absence at an animal of symptoms of rage.

Multiple damages and stings, even in the absence of symptoms of rage, demand use of antirabic immunoglobulin. It is used along with vaccination during the first hours after traumatizing. It is also very important to process a wound correctly. It is washed out warm water and the disinfecting structure. Edges of a wound wipe with alcohol or 5% iodine tincture. Besides, to the patient enter antitetanic serum.

Whether you know that:

Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.