Application instruction:
Immortelle – the medicinal plant having bactericidal, antiinflammatory and cholagogue properties.
The perennial plant with a dense stalk and bright orange flowers received the name thanks to unique properties of long preservation during the drying and creation of flower compositions.
The immortelle grows in Central Asia and practically in all territory of Europe. In Russia the plant grows in the European part, the western part of Siberia and in the mountains of the Caucasus.
Inflorescences of a plant contain flavonoids – апигенин and нарингенин, sugar, phthalides, pitches, essential oil, mineral salts, and also microelements and vitamins C and To.
Thanks to the useful properties, the immortelle has medical effect at various diseases.
Because of existence in a plant of resin acids drugs on its basis have antibacterial effect.
The immortelle as a part of cholagogue drugs improves functioning of a liver and stimulates bile secretion, increases the content of bilirubin, and also effectively eliminates imbalance of bile and stabilizes work of a gall bladder. Thus, the immortelle has the preventive effect directed against formation of stones in biliary tract.
Antiinflammatory, tonic and bactericidal properties of an immortelle are long since known. Plant extract effectively removes spasmodic states, well influencing smooth muscles and blood vessels. Broth of an immortelle removes nausea, weight in a stomach and a gall bladder pain. Besides, such broth improves blood circulation, eliminates fatigue and raises an organism tone.
The immortelle in the form of broths and infusions is recommended to be applied at diseases of an urinary system, digestive tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Besides, the plant is used for prevention of viral infections and heartburn.
In drugstores plant extract in the form of the dry granulated powder which is applied within 10-30 days on 1 g 2-3 times a day is on sale.
At chronic cholecystitises the complex of the cleared immortelle flavonoids – Flaminum in tablets which often is supportive application of the general therapy is appointed.
On the basis of flowers of a plant Arenarinovaya the ointment with antiinflammatory action which is well helping at burns of eyes of chemical and thermal type is made. Ointment is used for removal of an inflammation and improvement of an angenesis. It is imposed on a lower eyelid several times in days within 5-10 days.
Long and uncontrollable use of an immortelle by the doctor can lead to developments of stagnation in kidneys and a liver. This plant is not recommended to be used to people with a hypertension and diseases of a thyroid gland.
Of leaves and flowers of a plant make medical broth which is effective cholagogue and the diuretic especially necessary at exacerbations of diseases of a liver, kidneys, digestive tract. Use of an immortelle at a hysteromyoma and dysfunction of ovaries allows to remove a pain syndrome and to stop bleeding.
For preparation of broth take 2 tablespoons of a grass, fill in with 2 glasses of boiled water, cook within 10 minutes and filter. Accept this means in a warm look inside on ¼ glasses 3 times a day. Besides, broth can be used for syringings.
Name of drug
Immortelle sandy flowers pack of 30 g, Krasnogorskleksredstva (Mosk.obl)
82 rub.
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