Main > Reference book of diets> TURMOILS diet


TURMOILS a diet (proteinaceous and carbohydrate alternation) – the power supply system consisting of microcycles with alternation of days of the protein and carbohydrate food directed to burning of a hypodermic fatty tissue with the maximum preservation of muscle bulk. Initially TURMOILS the diet was developed for athletes, however recently gains the increasing popularity among people who want to lose weight effectively.БУЧ диета - белково-углеводное чередование

TURMOILS diet: features of a power supply system, rule of creation of microcycles

TURMOILS the diet or proteinaceous and carbohydrate alternation represents a combination of the best qualities of the proteinaceous diets promoting maintenance and growth of muscle bulk, and the carbohydrate power supply systems promoting burning of fatty deposits.

The main advantages of TURMOILS of a diet are:

  • Lack of need to count calories. TURMOILS the diet is based on a ratio of proteins and carbohydrates in a microcycle without rigid restriction in number of the consumed products;
  • TURMOILS the diet thanks to balance of a diet in a microcycle allows to avoid side effects from a nervous system: at observance of TURMOILS of a diet brain activity does not decrease, working capacity is maintained, there is no slackness, depression, fatigue, apathy, a depression, aggression and irritability;
  • The diet of TURMOILS of a diet offers enough carbohydrates for recovery of balance of a glycogen and maintenance of level of serotonin;
  • At observance of TURMOILS of a diet there is no physical and emotional exhaustion of an organism that allows to lose weight without damage of physical activity and working capacity;
  • Acceleration of exchange processes in an organism.

As well as any other power supply system directed to weight loss of TURMOILS a diet is guided by the standard principles of observance of a diet:

  • Moderate consumption of products, however, not less than 1200 calories a day. At TURMOILS the diet needs to avoid the starvation periods;
  • Day caloric content of the proteinaceous, carbohydrate and mixed food has to be identical;
  • Observance of a diet;
  • Exception of "harmful" products.

Speaking about TURMOILS to a diet, it is necessary to give preference to the correct products. So, cheese is rich with protein, however this product contains a large amount of fats which the organism in the conditions of deficit of energy will transform to triglycerides (fats).

Butch a diet works as follows. A main objective of a power supply system is start of combustion of fats an organism as a result of the artificial created power deficit. Owing to alternation of proteinaceous and carbohydrate food at TURMOILS to a diet the organism does not manage to adapt to a certain food that increases system effectiveness. During the days of proteinaceous food the organism exhausts glycogen stocks (reserve carbohydrate of an organism, the main form of storage of glucose in cells creating a power reserve). By the end of the period of proteinaceous food burning by an organism of fatty deposits for completion of a metabolic cost reaches a maximum. As a result of carbohydrate starvation the organism can begin burning of muscle bulk as an alternative power source. For this purpose TURMOILS the diet provides the days of carbohydrate food allowing to fill glycogen stocks. The final day of a cycle – mixed when the diet includes in equal quantities both proteins, and carbohydrates. This day recovery of a glycogen continues, and also there is a preparation of an organism for the following proteinaceous cycle.

There is a set of variations of TURMOILS of a diet. However it is necessary to understand that it is impossible to get rid of the excess weight accumulated for years in a week. The optimum term of observance of TURMOILS of a diet are 28 days including 7 microcycles for 4 days. Efficiency of 4-day microcycles is proved in practice. In such mode in an organism there are optimum transformations. The correct creation of a microcycle on TURMOILS to a diet:

  • 2 days of proteinaceous food;
  • 1 day of high-carbohydrate food;
  • 1 day of the mixed food.

TURMOILS diet: menu and its variations, rule of observance of a diet

At observance of TURMOILS of a diet of the menu and its correct drawing up is the main objective. The correct calculation of proteins and carbohydrates promotes effective weight reduction.Примерное меню БУЧ диеты по дням

During the proteinaceous days of food the quantity of a protein in a diet has to reach 3-4 g/kg of weight. The complete elimination of carbohydrates from a diet is not possible as the balance of nutrients, equally necessary for an organism for healthy functioning will be significantly broken. Respectively in a proteinaceous cycle the amount of carbohydrates should not exceed 1,5 g/kg of body weight.

In the period of high-carbohydrate food the amount of carbohydrates in a diet increases to 6 g/kg of body weight of the person, proteins, respectively, decrease to 1,5 g/kg of weight. Day of the balanced food assumes the uses in equal amounts of proteins and carbohydrates that makes about 2-3 g/kg.

At observance of TURMOILS of a diet of the menu can look as follows:

  • Proteinaceous days – cottage cheese, beef, a turkey, chicken, a tuna, squids, shrimps, eggs. At the menu there can be salads, a small amount of whole-grain bread;
  • Carbohydrate days – oat, buckwheat porridges, rice, fresh and stewed vegetables, dairy products;
  • Day of the mixed food assumes carbohydrates for breakfast (porridges, fruit, milk, carbohydrates), proteins for lunch (rice, vegetables, meat or fish) and proteins for dinner (cottage cheese, boiled meat).

Diet of TURMOILS: results and system effectiveness of food

Efficiency of TURMOILS of a diet is confirmed by professional athletes who, adhering to such power supply circuit, burn fatty weight without prejudice to muscular tissue. At a diet of TURMOILS results will differ in each of the cycle periods. So, in days of proteinaceous food there is the maximum weight reduction (to 1 kg a day). In days of carbohydrate food and proteinaceous and carbohydrate balance weight will increase, however, this increase in weight is caused by completion of reserves of the carbohydrates detaining water in an organism. At the beginning of the following 4-day microcycle weight will steadily be lost on 1-2 kg. With each subsequent microcycle the same weight reduction will be observed that allows to calculate precisely at a diet of TURMOILS results of weight loss.

TURMOILS diet: responses and recommendations

Today TURMOILS the diet gains the increasing popularity owing to balance of a diet, absence of a psychological and physical stress for an organism, effective weight reduction owing to burning of a hypodermic fatty tissue. TURMOILS the diet, reviews of which position it as an efficient way of weight loss, is applied not only as a diet, but also as a constant power supply system that demands consultation with the nutritionist and the correct calculation of energy value of a diet. Observance of TURMOILS of a diet as a constant diet demands increase in caloric content of food according to a daily metabolic cost of the person. TURMOILS the diet, reviews of which allow to define its efficiency, is the checked weight reduction method without stress for an organism.

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