Application instruction:
Tserebrolizat – nootropic medicine.
Gopantam, Aktovegin, Gliatilin, Aminalonum, Gleatser, Aminolasar, Gammalonum, Ampasse, Glitsin, Intellan, Deletsit, Idebenon, Demanol, Meksiprim, Nootropil, Neyromit, Idebenon, Korteksin, Nootsetam, Minithis, Piridol, Tenoten, Piracetam, Semaks, Phenibutum, Tserakson, Tserebrolizin, Tserebril, Eskotropil, Nootsetam, Encephabolum, Phenibutum – Tserebrolizat's drugs analogs on pharmacological group. Tserebrolizat has no structural analogs.
Tserebrolizat is issued in the form of solution for injections (an ampoule on 1 ml). Tserebrolizat – the hydrolysate of brain fabric of cattle containing peptides and free amino acids. 1 ml of Tserebrolizat contains 1,00-2,85 mg of the L-lysine; 0,50-0,90 L-histidines; 1,20-2,61 mg of L-arginine; 1,50-2,60 mg of Aspartic acid; 0,90-2,10 mg of L-threonine; 1,85-3,25 mg Cerina; 3,75-6,00 mg of Glutaminic acid; 1,95-5,20 mg of L-alanine; 0,80-1,70 mg of L-proline; 0,90-2,10 mg of Glycine; 1,45-4,05 mg of L-valine; 0,85-1,95 mg of L-methionine; 2,10-6,00 mg of the L-leucine; 0,80-1,50 mg of Phenylalanine; 0,90-3,60 Izoleytsin; 0,25-0,65 Tirozin. Besides, preservative phenol (0,3%) is a part of drug.
According to the instruction Tserebrolizat, activating integrative processes in TsNS, helps to reduce an inflammation, neurologic deficit and to recover the broken functions of a brain. Active proteinaceous chains and amino acids of drug, breaking a blood-brain barrier, get directly into neurons of brain fabric. Drug improves a condition of mechanisms of regulation of brain fabric and its bioelectric activity.
Tserebrolizat activates synthesis of proteins in brain cells, improves metabolic processes, increases resistance of tissue of brain to intoxication, a hypoglycemia and a hypoxia, improving saturation of cells of a brain oxygen.
In responses to Tserebrolizatu it is said that regular use of drug promotes improvement of processes of concentration of attention, storing, reproduction of information.
Some reviews of Tserebrolizat confirm its medical efficiency in complex therapy of strokes and paralyzes of various genesis.
According to the instruction Tserebrolizat is applied at the following diseases:
According to the instruction Tserebrolizat enter intramusculary (po1-5 drug ml daily or every other day). The course of treatment makes about a month. The therapy course if necessary can be repeated after a three-months break.
With care it is necessary to use drug at allergic diathesis, an acute renal failure, during breastfeeding.
Judging by responses, Tserebrolizat in some cases can cause the following by-effects:
Injections of a medicine are painful, sometimes cause local irritation.
Tserebrolizat is recommended to store at a temperature of 20 °C.
Period of storage – three years.
Name of drug
Tserebrolizat solution for инъ amp of 1 ml No. 10, Belmedpreparata (Minsk)
547 rub.
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