Application instruction:
Tsimitsifuga – the representative of polyvitamins with poly-both macrocells and vegetable elements.
Tsimitsifuga - drug of a plant origin. Substances шенгманол and ацетилшенгманол render sedation and promote a lowering of arterial pressure, increase contractility of a myocardium, without influencing heart rate.
According to the instruction of Tsimitsifuga causes estrogenopodobny action due to linkng with estrogenic receptors of neurons of a hypothalamus. It leads to reduction of release of gonadotrophin-rileasing-hormone and as a result decrease in secretion of luteinizing hormone. Thus, Tsimitsifuga leads to elimination of vegeto-vascular disturbances which arose during the preklimakterichesky and climacteric periods.
The Tsimitsifuga increases the volume of the formed urine, increases secretion of glands of the alimentary system, weakens unstriated muscles of intestines and urinary tract, has febrifugal and antiinflammatory effect.
The Tsimitsifuga is issued in the form of tablets and drops for intake. The dropped-out deposit in the form of flakes (in drops) testifies to activity of Tsimitsifugi and does not influence its efficiency in any way.
The Tsimitsifuga is applied at neurocirculatory dystonia on hypertensive type, at soft arterial hypertension, to prevention of atherosclerosis. The Tsimitsifuga is also efficient at detection of climacteric neurosis, migraine, sleeplessness, toxicoses at pregnant women who are followed by arterial hypertension.
According to the instruction to Tsimitsifuge, it is necessary to accept drug two-three times a day on 30 drops or on 1 tablet. The course of treatment makes four-six weeks. The first therapeutic effect is observed in 2 weeks.
Without observation of the doctor use is not recommended more than 6 months.
Also, drug is recommended to be used not in the form of monotherapy, and to apply an integrated approach.
According to the instruction to Tsimitsifuge drug can cause various allergic reactions and passing pains in a stomach. But according to the existing reviews of Tsimitsifuge, side effects are very seldom shown during a course of treatment by this drug.
The Tsimitsifuga is contraindicated at detection at the patient of hypersensitivity to active active ingredients of drug.
Also it is necessary to apply with extra care Tsimitsifugu at gastritises with hypersecretion at the patient.
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