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from 30 rub.

Cinnarizine – the medicine which is preferential used for treatment of various disturbances of cerebral circulation.

Pharmacological action

Cinnarizine reduces contents in cells of calcium ions, relaxes muscles of arterioles, and also promotes strengthening of vasodilating effect of carbon dioxide.Циннаризин в упаковке

This drug not only influences a condition of a tone of a vascular wall, but also reduces response of vessels to dopamine, angiotensin, adrenaline, noradrenaline and vasopressin.

Use of Cinnarizine promotes expansion of gleams of blood vessels including a brain. At the same time the lowering of arterial pressure is not observed.

In addition medicine reduces excitability of a vestibular mechanism, suppresses a nystagmus, lowers a tone of a sympathetic nervous system, increases resistance of fabrics to air hunger and reduces viscosity of blood.

Cinnarizine also has average antihistaminic activity.

Drug is quickly soaked up from a digestive tract and for 91% contacts plasma proteins. Its maximum concentration in blood is reached in 2 – 3 hours after reception.

Does not possess teratogenic action.

Release form

Cinnarizine is produced in tablets, each of which contains 25 mg of active agent, in packaging on 50 pieces and in the form of drops in bottles on 20,0 ml containing 75 mg of Cinnarizine.

Analogs of this medicine are Stugeronum, Tsinnaron, Tsinedil, Vertizin.

Indications to Cinnarizine use

This drug is widely used in medical practice. Indications to Cinnarizine the following:

  • Various disturbances of blood circulation in a brain (atherosclerosis, an ischemic stroke, after the postponed craniocereberal injuries and a hemorrhagic stroke, distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy);
  • Nausea, vomiting and sonitus of a labyrinth origin;
  • Menyer's disease;
  • Nystagmus;
  • Disturbances of thinking;
  • Decrease and loss of memory;
  • Senile dementia;
  • Impossibility of concentration of attention;
  • Disturbances of peripheric circulation (thrombophlebitis, Raynaud's disease, diabetic angiopatiya, trophic ulcers, syndrome of the "alternating" lameness);
  • Prevention of attacks of migraine;
  • Prevention of kinetoz (sea and air diseases).

One more indication to Cinnarizine is symptomatic therapy of the cerebrovascular pathologies which are shown attacks of dizzinesses, headaches, irritability, a sonitus.

Route of administration

At disturbances of blood supply of a brain appoint from three to six tablets a day.Таблетки Циннаризин

At various disturbances of peripheric circulation from 150 to 225 mg of Cinnarizine a day, i.e. from six to nine tablets are appointed.

At vestibular disturbances the instruction of Cinnarizine recommends to accept it to three tablets a day.

According to reviews Cinnarizine is good means for prevention of motion deseases. In 30 minutes prior to departure, a trip or flight it is necessary to take one pill (25 mg). If there is a need, then in 6 hours this dose can be repeated once again. Children are given for this purpose a half of an adult dose.

If the patient not really well transfers Cinnarizine, then to it begin treatment with a half dose and gradually increase it to therapeutic.

Side effects of Cinnarizine

According to the instruction Cinnarizine can possess the following side effects:

  • Headache;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Depression;
  • Extrapyramidal frustration;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Dryness in a mouth;
  • Pains in the field of an epigastrium;
  • Cholestatic jaundice;
  • Dispepsichesky phenomena;
  • Increase in weight;
  • Skin rash;
  • Allergic reactions.

According to reviews Cinnarizine very seldom can lead to emergence of a tremor of extremities and increase in a muscle tone.


According to the instruction Tsinnarizinprotivopokazan at hypersensitivity to this drug and nursing mothers.

With extra care medicine has to be appointed to the people having Parkinson's disease.

At pregnancy of the indication to use of Cinnarizine have to be estimated by the doctor very carefully. Though in repeatedly carried out tests teratogenic effect of drug is not proved, it is all the same recommended to be used only if the estimated advantage of therapy exceeds the existing potential risk.


Cinnarizine strengthens action vasodilating, anti-hypertensive, sedatives and alcohol. Reduces efficiency of the taken medicine for treatment of arterial hypotension.

According to reviews Cinnarizine significantly increases efficiency of the nootropnykhlekarstvenny drugs which are at the same time used with it.


At accidental or deliberate acceptance in a high dose of Cinnarizine the gastric lavage is carried out and absorbent carbon is given. A symptomatic further treatment since there is no specific antidote.

Precautionary measures

On инструкцииЦиннаризиндолжен with care to be appointed to drivers of vehicles and other people whose professions demand high concentration of attention since in an initiation of treatment quite often there is an expressed drowsiness.

At prolonged use of Cinnarizine it is necessary to control a pattern of peripheral blood, function of kidneys and a liver.

At purpose of drug athletes need to consider that it exerts impact on results of doping control.

Cinnarizine storage conditions

It Tsinnarizinotnositsya to the list B. It is stored at the room temperature in the place protected from light.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Cinnarizine тбл 25 mg No. 50, Pharm of the ABP

30 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Cinnarizine of a tablet of 25 mg 50 pieces.

35 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Cinnarizine тбл 25 mg No. 56, Updating of CJSC PFK

42 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

n50 mg cinnarizine 25 tab.bolgariya

43 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Cinnarizine of a tablet of 25 mg 56 pieces

52 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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