Application instruction:
Cytoflavin – medicine, whose action is directed to improvement of metabolism of a brain.
Drug provides stimulation of processes of power education and cellular respiration thanks to combined effect of the components which are its part.
Numerous comments on Tsitoflavin also note positive dynamics of process of absorption by fabrics of oxygen and recovery of activity of group of the enzymes responsible for ensuring antioxidant action, observed during drug use.
Cytoflavin is widely applied as the activator of intracellular synthesis of protein and bioelectric processes in a brain. Its positive impact on utilization of fatty acids, glucose and resynthesis of GABA in neurons is known. It is noted that during Tsitoflavin's use coronary and brain blood-grooves improve, processes of metabolism in TsNS become more active. Along with it use of drug provides decrease in a metastasis ad nervos of various genesis, recovery of the broken sensitivity and some functions of a brain (first of all, cognitive мнестических).
During Tsitoflavin's reception positive impact on a number of parameters of the neurologic status, among them is observed: reduction of expressiveness of vestibulo-cerebellar, tsefalgichesky, kokhleovestibulyarny and asthenic syndromes. Thanks to Tsitoflavin's use emotional and strong-willed frustration to which the alarm and a depression belong are leveled.
The Bystry awakening action inherent to drug allows to appoint it at consciousness disturbances.
The indication to Tsitoflavin is also the recovery period after a stroke.
Cytoflavin is produced in the form of biconvex tablets and ampoule solution for in/in introductions.
Cytoflavin according to the instruction should be accepted in the following cases:
According to medical comments on Tsitoflavin, drug is not recommended to be accepted to the persons belonging to risk group:
According to the instruction Tsitoflavin enter intravenously kapelno, previously having dissolved him in the following drugs: 200-400 ml of 5%-10% of solution of glucose and 0,9% of solution of sodium chloride (NaCl). Other option: jet introduction of Tsitoflavin diluted in 10 ml of water.
The course of treatment varies and depends on a specific disease and degree of its expressiveness.
Bystry drop administration of drug can cause emergence of side reactions which should not become the reason of cancellation of Tsitoflavin: the increased dryness and bitterness in a mouth, feeling of heat, reddening (hyperemia) of integuments of a body. Long reception of high doses of medicine is capable to cause a hyperuricemia, an exacerbation of gout and a tranzitorny gipoklikemiya.
Are in rare instances possible other undesirable reactions among which: nausea, dizziness, a headache, a dysosmia, pain and discomfort in a breast and epigastric area, blanching of covers of a body, an allergy. Emergence of similar side effects does not contradict Tsitoflavin's appointment, however has to happen under medical supervision.
Cytoflavin should be stored in the dry place where temperature does not reach 20 °C, but below 18 °C do not fall. Storage of ampoules for in/in solution within reach of light is inadmissible. At formation of a deposit use of medicine is strictly forbidden. The period of validity makes no more than 2 years.
Name of drug
Cytoflavin тбл п / about No. 50, Polisang (St.-Petersburg)
416 rub.
Cytoflavin solution for инъ in/in 10 ml of amp of t / with No. 5 *, Polisang (St.-Petersburg)
608 rub.
Cytoflavin тбл п / about No. 100, Polisang (St.-Petersburg)
680 rub.
Cytoflavin solution for инъ in/in 10 ml of amp No. 10, Polisang (St.-Petersburg)
1009 rub.
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