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Cytologic research

During the cytologic research study structure of cells for detection of malignant, benign tumors and defeats of not tumoral nature. Basic purpose of a research – confirmation or a denial of the fact of a zlokachestvennost of the cells taken for the analysis.Цитологическое исследование - метод диагностики опухолей и неопухолевых образований

Methods of a cytologic research are based on studying under a microscope of structure of the cells, cellular composition of liquids and fabrics.

Distinguish such methods of cytologic researches:

  • light microscopy;
  • submicroscopy;
  • centrifuging method. It is used when it is necessary to separate membranes of cells from the general structure;
  • method of marked atoms. Apply to studying of biochemical processes in cells: for this purpose enter marked radioactive isotope into them;
  • intravital studying. This method of a research allows to study the dynamic processes happening in a cell.

The conclusion of a cytologic research is based on features of change of cytoplasm, a kernel of a cell, nuclear and cytoplasma ratio, formation of complexes and structures of cells.

Apply the cytologic analysis at routine inspection, to specification of the diagnosis, during operation, to early detection of a recurrence, control over the treatment course.

Cytologic research of smears

As materials for the analysis use:

  • liquids: I wet, the prostate secret, a phlegm, washouts received at endoscopy of different bodies, allocations from nipples, prints and scrapings from ulcer and erozirovanny surfaces, wounds and fistulas, liquids from serous and joint cavities;
  • punctates: the biological materials received at the diagnostic puncture which is carried out by a fine needle;
  • smears from a cavity and a neck of uterus.

Результаты цитологического исследованияThe majority of the specified cytologic researches of smears is conducted if necessary, for statement and specification of the diagnosis. But the cytologic research of a smear from a neck of uterus (Papanikolau's smear) is recommended to be passed: once a year – women are later 19 years old, having sex; two times a year – to women who accept hormonal contraceptives had genital herpes; more often than two times a year – to women who have infertility, uterine bleedings, obesity which often change sexual partners accept estrogen which has genitals warts, genital herpes is revealed.

Cytologic research of a neck of uterus

For a cytologic research of a neck of uterus the smear is taken from outside and internal parts of a neck and from vaults of the vagina by means of the special wooden pallet. Then it is transferred to glass and fixed.

The cytologic research of a neck of uterus is conducted for identification of cancer changes of cells, and the doctor specifies one of five stages of a condition of cells in the conclusion:

  • stage 1. Cells with deviations are not found;
  • stage 2. There are minor changes in structure of cells caused by an inflammation of internal generative organs. Fear does not cause such condition of cells, but to the woman additional inspection and treatment recommend to take place;
  • stage 3. A small amount of cells with deviations is found in structure. In this case it is recommended to hand over a smear repeatedly or to conduct a histologic research of the changed fabric;
  • stage 4. Separate cells with malignant changes are found. The final diagnosis is not made, appoint additional inspection;
  • stage 5. In a smear a large number of cancer cells is revealed.

Reliability of such cytologic research is high, but it can give information only on the site from which took cells for the analysis. To estimate a condition of uterine tubes, ovaries, a uterus it is necessary to undergo comprehensive examination.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.